Flexible Energy Scheduling Tool for Integrating Variable Generation
NREL's Flexible Energy Scheduling Tool for Integrating Variable Generation (FESTIV) simulates the behavior of the electric power system to help researchers understand the impacts of variability and uncertainty on power system operations.
A Flexible Power System Operations Simulation Model for Assessing Wind Integration
This paper describes the FESTIV model, which mimics operator behavior using a combination of security-constrained unit commitment, security-constrained economic dispatch, and automatic generation control programs.
Electric power system operators use a variety of scheduling techniques to match electricity generation and demand. When the total supply of energy is different from the total demand, system operators must deploy operating reserves (including regulating, following, contingency, and ramping reserves) to correct the energy imbalance. The way they do this, and especially the way they plan for this, can affect the reliability and efficiency of the power system—particularly if it includes large amounts of variable generation. FESTIV allows researchers to explore different operating reserves strategies on system operations.
FESTIV is a multiple-timescale, interconnected simulation tool that includes security-constrained unit commitment, security-constrained economic dispatch, and automatic generation control sub-models. Each sub-model is connected to subsequent sub-models such that the output of one sub-model serves as the input to the next. FESTIV is completely configurable so that the effects of different operating temporal resolutions and operating strategies can be explored. FESTIV produces not only economic metrics but also reliability metrics. This enables FESTIV to fully investigate the trade-offs in economic benefits, reliability benefits, and incentive structures.
Modern Capabilities
NREL has a more up-to-date suite of software tools for studying variability and uncertainty within high-renewable power systems as part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning (SIIP) initiative. SIIP is a first-of its-kind flexible modeling framework that incorporates new solution algorithms, advanced data analytics, and scalable high-performance computing. Keep up with the development of new SIIP tools and contact the team.
Related Publications
A Flexible Power System Operations Simulation Model for Assessing Wind Integration
This paper describes the FESTIV model, which mimics operator behavior using a combination
of security-constrained unit commitment, security-constrained economic dispatch, and
automatic generation control programs.
Operating Reserves and Variable Generation: A Comprehensive Review of Current Strategies,
Studies, and Fundamental Research on the Impact That Increased Penetration of Variable
Renewable Generation Has on Power System Operating Reserves
This report includes a survey of operating reserves and how they are managed internationally
in system operations today and how new studies and research are proposing they may
be managed in the future with higher penetrations of variable generation.
Evolution of Operating Reserve Determination in Wind Power Integration Studies
This paper describes assumptions and methods used to calculate the different types
of reserves and explains how these methods have evolved.
Operating Reserves and Wind Power Integration: An International Comparison
This paper provides a high-level international comparison of methods and key results
from operating practice and integration analysis.
Quantifying the Operational Benefits of Conventional and Advanced Pumped Storage Hydro
on Reliability and Efficiency
This paper uses FESTIV to explore the benefits of adjustable-speed and single-speed
pumped storage hydropower on system operations.