David Mooney — Executive Director, Institutional Planning and Development
Dave Mooney oversees NREL's strategic planning and institutional investment portfolio.
Mooney has been a leader at NREL for nearly 30 years, having served in roles ranging from researcher to project leader to center director.
Mooney's affiliation with NREL spans five decades, beginning in the late 1980s when NREL's predecessor—the Solar Energy Research Institute—funded his Ph.D. research in solar cell materials. As executive director for Institutional Planning and Development, Mooney is responsible for the development of NREL's strategy and measuring its progress as well as assessing the tools used in its implementation. He also has served as the executive sponsor of the design process for NREL's newest research laboratory, the Energy Materials and Processing at Scale facility, which is under construction.
Prior to this role, Mooney was director of NREL's Strategic Energy Analysis Center and laboratory program manager for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office. He was engaged in NREL's early efforts to establish an energy systems integration research portfolio, which included securing the approval of the Energy Systems Integration Facility and leading the group responsible for its design and construction. His primary research interests include renewable and efficiency systems integration; energy infrastructure challenges; and the intersection of energy markets, policies, and new technologies. In addition to his experience at NREL, Mooney has spent a decade in the private sector in technology startups and photovoltaic manufacturing companies.
He has a bachelor's degree in engineering physics from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and a doctorate in physics from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.