Learn about the Distributed Generation Market Demand (dGen™) Model’s impacts on distributed generation research at NREL and beyond.

dGen-Supported Studies
New York State Case Study
dGen modeled the potential of behind-the-meter and front-of-the-meter distributed solar and wind systems for each parcel of property in New York State, where the New York State Public Service Commission has been pioneering new compensation mechanisms for distributed energy resources.
Rooftop Solar Potential Analysis for Orlando Utilities Commission
NREL analysts customized dGen for the Orlando Utilities Commission, helping to better understand the city's rooftop solar potential. With dGen detailed insights, Orlando energy planners now know where exactly to focus grid infrastructure efforts.
Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study
dGen modeled customer-adopted distributed energy resources for each building in the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s service territory, identifying how much is technically feasible, economically viable, and ultimately adopted. Read Chapter 4: Customer-Adopted Rooftop Solar and Storage in The Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study.
Storage Futures Study
dGen modeled cost-effectiveness and customer adoption of battery storage coupled with solar photovoltaics for residential, commercial, and industrial entities in the United States with different technology costs, storage valuation, incentives, and compensation. Read Distributed Solar and Storage Outlook: Methodology and Scenarios.
Electrification Futures Study
dGen provided operating and maintenance cost data for distributed photovoltaics to support analysis on the changes to U.S. generation and transmission infrastructure investments, fuel use, system costs, and emissions from widespread electrification. Read Scenarios of Power System Evolution and Infrastructure Development for the United States.
Standard Scenarios
dGen models customer adoption of distributed photovoltaics to feed into the annually released Standard Scenarios—a technology cost and performance database that captures a wide range of possible power system futures to study market and policy impacts on the electricity sector.
Credit for Renewable Energy Program Payments Preference Review
NREL provided Washington State Legislature’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee with technical assistance using dGen to model the impacts of a state tax credit program for renewable energy payments. Based on dGen results, the committee recommends that Washington State let the program expire in 2030. Read 2021 Tax Preference Performance Reviews: Credit for Renewable Energy Program Payments.
Wisconsin Rooftop Solar Potential
Cadmus, a technical consultancy, customized dGen to simulate market adoption potential of rooftop solar PV in the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin service territory. dGen projects significant solar technical potential, but only a small fraction could be adopted by 2034. A statewide net metering policy could accelerate adoption.
In the News
Lower Battery Costs, High Value of Backup Power Drive Distributed Storage Deployment
NREL's dGen™ Analysts Team Up With Orlando Utilities Commission to Forecast Customer Solar Adoption
NREL Unveils Open-Source Distributed Generation Market Demand Model
Into the Unknown: Ben Sigrin Models How Consumers Adopt Renewables