Regional Energy Deployment System Model Research Staff
The ReEDS model is developed and exercised by an interdisciplinary team of energy experts.
Contact us if you have questions.
Maxwell Brown
Senior Energy Systems Modeler
Maxwell holds a Ph.D. in mineral and energy economics. His research focuses on developing, calibrating, and linking large-scale energy system and economic models.
Patrick Brown
Model Engineer
Maxwell holds a Ph.D. in physics. His research focuses on improving the representation of renewable energy, transmission, and energy storage in long-term power system planning models to support rapid decarbonization.
Vincent Carag
Model Engineer
Vincent earned his M.S. in renewable energy.
Ilya Chernyakhovskiy
Energy Analyst
Ilya has an M.S. in resource economics from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His work focuses on renewable energy grid integration.
Stuart Cohen
Senior Energy Analyst
Stuart has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering with a background in energy systems analysis and optimization. His work includes the study of energy-water interactions, climate impacts, energy-economy relationships, and hydropower.
Wesley Cole
Senior Energy Analyst
Wesley earned his Ph.D. in chemical engineering and focuses on renewable energy integration, battery storage market potential, and the impacts of high solar penetration futures.
Bethany Frew
Senior Energy Analyst
Bethany holds a Ph.D. in civil and environmental engineering and leverages expertise in planning and operational modeling to analyze wholesale market operations, power system reliability, and grid integration impacts of renewable energy resources.
Pieter Gagnon
Energy Analyst
Pieter holds an M.S. in mechanical engineering and focuses his research on the design of retail electricity rates and compensation mechanism for distributed energy technologies.
Anne Hamilton
Model Engineer
Anne holds an M.S. in electrical engineering and focuses her research on capacity expansion modeling and policy analysis for the electric power sector.

Jonathan Ho
Energy Analyst
Jonathan has an M.S.E. in environmental engineering with a focus on capacity expansion modeling. His areas of research include renewable resource integration, pathways to a cleaner grid, and continental-scale modeling.
Paige Jadun
Energy Analyst
Paige has an M.S.E. in industrial and operations engineering. Her work focuses on energy systems modeling related to sustainable transportation, hydrogen production and utilization, and electrification.
Trieu Mai
Senior Energy Analyst
Trieu holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics and leads research in a wide range of energy topics, including renewable grid integration, clean energy policy, economic and environmental impacts, and high renewable penetrations.
Caitlin Murphy
Senior Energy Analyst
Caitlin holds a Ph.D. in geophysics, and her background lies in federal energy policy development and implementation. Her research interests include evaluating how energy policies and technology innovation impact the evolution, operation, and environmental impacts of the U.S. energy system.
Amy Rose
Energy Analyst
Amy has a Ph.D. in engineering systems from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her work focuses on power sector planning and production cost modeling with specific application to the India grid system.
Anna Schleifer
Model Engineer
Anna holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering.
Daniel Steinberg
Senior Energy Analyst
Daniel holds an M.S. in energy economics and is the Manager of the Forecasting and Modeling Group. He leads a portfolio of research applying empirical analysis and simulation techniques to explore the impacts of energy policy, regulation, and market design on the evolution of the energy system.