Energy Analysis Research
Building on a foundation of robust data and innovative models, NREL uses its energy analysis capabilities and expertise to prepare credible, objective analyses that inform policy and investment decisions as renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies move from innovation through integration.
Future System Scenarios Analysis
We analyze future energy system scenarios to explore their potential impacts and opportunities.
Market and Policy Impact Analysis
We perform impact analysis to evaluate and understand the impact of markets, policies, and financing on technology uptake and the impact of new technologies on markets and policy frameworks.
Sustainability Analysis
Our sustainability analysis considers future energy scenarios’ implications on resource availability, emissions, air quality, land, and water use.
Techno-Economic Analysis
In techno-economic analyses, we conduct full life-cycle and supply chain analysis of energy technologies to identify key R&D directions and competitiveness opportunities.

We develop and maintain maps and geospatial tools that provide renewable resource and production data.