Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a common chemical precursor with a global production totaling ~150
million metric tons per year at an average market price of $0.20/kg ($0.17–$0.26 between
2014 and 2018).
The biggest cost contributors for producing carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide and
electricity via thermochemical conversion include hydrogen feedstock cost and carbon
dioxide feedstock cost for the current case and hydrogen feedstock cost for the future
and theoretical cases.
Major Cost Drivers
- Hydrogen feedstock cost
- CO2 feedstock cost
- Single-pass CO2 conversion
Minimum Selling Prices ($2016/kg)
- Current: $
- Future: $
- Theoretical: $
Technical Metrics for Cases
[spider chart]
Current = Green
Future = Blue
Theoretical = Edge
Sensitivity Analysis
Shows process parameter impact on minimum selling price ($/kg)
[tornado chart]
Market parameters = Orange · Technical parameters = Blue
Mid-line values represent state of technology parameters.
CAPEX and OPEX Contributions to SOT MSP
MSP: $
As of 2018, the estimated global production of methane reached 250 million metric
tons per year with applications in energy and as a hydrogen precursor, selling for
an average $0.16/kg ($0.13–$0.23 between 2014 and 2018).
The biggest cost contributors for producing methane from carbon dioxide and electricity
via thermochemical conversion include hydrogen feedstock cost and carbon dioxide feedstock
cost for the current case and hydrogen feedstock cost for the future and theoretical
Major Cost Drivers
- Hydrogen feedstock cost
- Onstream factor
- CO2 feedstock cost
Minimum Selling Prices ($2016/kg)
- Current: $
- Future: $
- Theoretical: $
Technical Metrics for Cases
[spider chart]
Current = Green
Future = Blue
Theoretical = Edge
Sensitivity Analysis
Shows process parameter impact on minimum selling price ($/kg)
[tornado chart]
Market parameters = Orange · Technical parameters = Blue
Mid-line values represent state of technology parameters.
CAPEX and OPEX Contributions to SOT MSP
MSP: $
Hydrocarbons (Direct Fischer-Tropsch)
Hydrocarbons are composed primarily of high-volume fuels (e.g., gasoline, diesel,
and jet) with a combined market volume of over 2,300 million metric tons per year.
Average market price for gasoline fraction reached $2.59/gallons ($2.14–$3.41 between
2014 and 2018).
The biggest cost contributors for producing hydrocarbons via direct Fischer-Tropsch
from carbon dioxide and electricity via thermochemical conversion include hydrogen
feedstock cost and capital costs for the current case and hydrogen feedstock cost
for the future and theoretical cases.
Major Cost Drivers
- Hydrogen feedstock cost
- Selectivity to C5-C11 hydrocarbons
- Single-pass CO2 conversion
Minimum Selling Prices ($2016/gallon of gasoline equivalent)
- Current: $
- Future: $
- Theoretical: $
Technical Metrics for Cases
[spider chart]
Current = Green
Future = Blue
Theoretical = Edge
Sensitivity Analysis
Shows process parameter impact on minimum selling price ($/kg)
[tornado chart]
Market parameters = Orange · Technical parameters = Blue
Mid-line values represent state of technology parameters.
CAPEX and OPEX Contributions to SOT MSP
MSP: $
Dimethyl Ether
Dimethyl ether is a cleaner-burning alternative diesel blendstock with global production
totaling 4 million metric tons per year at an average market price of $0.61/kg ($0.49–$0.72
between 2014 and 2018).
The biggest cost contributors for producing dimethyl ether from carbon dioxide and
electricity via thermochemical conversion include hydrogen feedstock cost and utilities
for the current case and hydrogen feedstock cost for the future and theoretical cases.
Major Cost Drivers
- Hydrogen feedstock cost
- Onstream factor
- Plant scale
Minimum Selling Prices ($2016/kg)
- Current: $
- Future: $
- Theoretical: $
Technical Metrics for Cases
[spider chart]
Current = Green
Future = Blue
Theoretical = Edge
Sensitivity Analysis
Shows process parameter impact on minimum selling price ($/kg)
[tornado chart]
Market parameters = Orange · Technical parameters = Blue
Mid-line values represent state of technology parameters.
CAPEX and OPEX Contributions to SOT MSP
MSP: $
Hydrocarbons (Indirect Fischer-Tropsch)
Hydrocarbons are composed primarily of high-volume fuels (e.g., gasoline, diesel,
and jet) with a combined market volume of over 2,300 million metric tons per year.
Average market price for gasoline fraction reached $2.59/gal ($2.14–$3.41 between
2014 and 2018)
Major Cost Drivers
- Hydrogen feedstock cost
- Onstream factor
- Plant scale
Minimum Selling Prices ($2016/gallon of gasoline equivalent)
- Current: $
- Future: $
- Theoretical: $
Technical Metrics for Cases
[spider chart]
Current = Green
Future = Blue
Theoretical = Edge
Sensitivity Analysis
Shows process parameter impact on minimum selling price ($/kg)
[tornado chart]
Market parameters = Orange · Technical parameters = Blue
Mid-line values represent state of technology parameters.
CAPEX and OPEX Contributions to SOT MSP
MSP: $
Methanol is a major industrial chemical and common precursor to olefins with global
production totaling 80.5 million metric tons per year at an average market price of
$0.37/kg ($0.25–$0.48 between 2014 and 2018).
The biggest cost contributors for producing methanol from carbon dioxide and electricity
via thermochemical conversion include hydrogen feedstock cost and utilities for the
current case, hydrogen feedstock cost for the future case, and hydrogen feedstock
cost and carbon dioxide separation for the theoretical case.
Major Cost Drivers
- Hydrogen feedstock cost
- Plant scale
- Onstream factor
Minimum Selling Prices ($2016/kg)
- Current: $
- Future: $
- Theoretical: $
Technical Metrics for Cases
[spider chart]
Current = Green
Future = Blue
Theoretical = Edge
Sensitivity Analysis
Shows process parameter impact on minimum selling price ($/kg)
[tornado chart]
Market parameters = Orange · Technical parameters = Blue
Mid-line values represent state of technology parameters.
CAPEX and OPEX Contributions to SOT MSP
MSP: $