Waste-to-Energy Technical Assistance for State, Local, and Tribal Governments
NREL provides U.S. state, local, and tribal governments with technical assistance to advance waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO).
The technical assistance addresses knowledge gaps, specific challenges, decision-making considerations, planning, and project implementation strategies related to WTE. The WTE resources considered include organic waste such as food waste, wastewater sludge, animal manure, and fats, oils, and greases, as well as other municipal solid waste streams such as paper, cardboard, wood, yard waste, and plastic waste.
All U.S. states, counties, and municipalities (includes the lower 48 states, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories), as well as tribal governments, are eligible for WTE technical assistance at no cost. Entities representing multiple municipalities are also eligible as well as airport authorities and municipal utilities authorities. Note: A community does not have to have an existing or planned waste resource or energy recovery project to be eligible. Communities in the strategic planning phase when it comes to these waste streams are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Request Technical Assistance
Applications are no longer being accepted for the Fiscal Year 2024 program. To receive updates about future technical assistance opportunities, contact the WTE Technical Assistance Team.
Technical Assistance Informational Webinars
Waste-to-Energy Technical Assistance for Local Governments
Text version. Download presentation slides.
Exploring Solutions To Convert Waste-to-Energy Bioproducts
Visit BETO's website for text version and presentation slides.
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information about WTE technical assistance, see frequently asked questions.
Featured Publications
Summary of Federal and State Funding Sources for the Solid Waste and Wastewater Sectors, NREL Brochure (2024)
Comparison of Select Thermochemical Conversion Options for Municipal Solid Waste to Energy, NREL Brochure (2023)
Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste: Products and Their Uses, NREL Brochure (2022)
Comparison of Select Food Waste Utilization Options, NREL Brochure (2021)

Past Recipients
Atlantic County Utilities Authority, New Jersey
Butte County Administration, California
City & Borough of Juneau, Alaska
City of Lincoln, Nebraska
City of Los Angeles Sanitation & Environment, California
City of North Bend, Washington
City of Phoenix, Arizona
City of San Antonio, Texas
City of South Sioux City, Nebraska
City of Tallahassee, Florida
Climate Action Collaborative for Eagle County Communities/Town of Avon, Colorado
Connecticut Green Bank, Connecticut
Corazon de Trinidad Creative District, Colorado
Montclair Township, New Jersey
New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, New Mexico
New York City Department of Environmental Protection, New York
Ramsey/Washington County Recycling & Energy Board, Minnesota
The Coeur d'Alene Tribe Natural Resources, Idaho
Town of Windsor, California
Tule River Economic Development Corporation, CaliforniaAtlantic County Utilities Authority, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey
Beaver County, Utah
Butte County/City of Oroville, California
City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska
City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii
City of Dodge City, Kansas
City of Eudora, Kansas
City of Gainesville, Florida
Climate Action Collaborative for Eagle County, Colorado
Gulf Coast Authority, Houston, Texas
Miami-Dade County, Florida
Montclair Township, New Jersey
Nevada County, California
Solid Waste Services Anchorage Municipality, Alaska
Souhegan Regional Landfill District, Amherst, New Hampshire
Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts
Town of Windsor, California
Allegheny County Airport Authority, Pennsylvania
Brunswick County Government, North Carolina
City of Gainesville, Florida
City of Pensacola, Florida
City of Rockdale, Texas
City of Spokane, Washington
City of Unalaska, Alaska
City of Watsonville, California
County of Kauai, Hawaii
Interlocal Solid Waste Authority, Tennessee
Lincoln County, Montana
Miami Dade Water and Sewer, Florida
Monterey One Water, California
Pasco County, Florida
Ramsey Washington Recycling and Energy Board, Minnesota
Region 1 Planning Council, Illinois
Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts
City and County of Denver, Colorado
City of Ames, Iowa
City of Boston, Massachusetts
City of Frostburg, Maryland
City of Madison, Wisconsin
City of Unalaska, Alaska
City of Walla Walla, Washington
City of Watsonville, California
Hartford Solid Waste Task Force, Connecticut
Interlocal Solid Waste Authority, Tennessee
Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska
Monterey One Water, California
North Central Texas Council of Governments, Texas
Orange County and City of Orlando, Florida
Region 1 Planning Council, Illinois
Savannah Industrial Park, Illinois
Seward Climate Action Plan Committee, Alaska
If you have questions, contact the WTE Technical Assistance Team.