Partner With NREL To Advance a Low-Carbon and Circular Bioeconomy
NREL collaborates with industry, government agencies, academia, national laboratories, and nonprofits to address critical challenges in the development of sustainable biofuel and bioproduct technologies.
NREL's diverse and passionate workforce fuels the world-class research and development our partners demand.
Join us in a research partnership to enhance existing technologies or develop new innovations. Some of the ways we can partner together include:
- Strategic public-private partnerships
- University partnership programs
- Programs for entrepreneurs
- Technology licensing agreements.
Learn more about partnership opportunities with NREL.
Leverage NREL's Bioenergy Powerhouse for Your R&D Needs
Partners can leverage NREL facilities to test feedstocks, processes, technologies, and equipment at laboratory to pilot scales or apply data, tools, and models to analyze bioenergy research pathways and technologies.

Using NREL's Scale-Up and Piloting Facilities To Enhance Bioenergy Technologies
Our experimental capabilities allow scaling from lab bench to pilot scale for biochemical and thermochemical technology pathways. NREL's Integrated Biorefinery Research Facility and Thermal and Catalytic Process Development Unit feature end-to-end processing.
Our facilities are undergoing renovation to provide first-of-a-kind capabilities for next-generation technology development at relevant industrial scales.
And your partnership with NREL isn't limited to just bioenergy R&D. Using multidisciplinary approaches, NREL deploys its deep technical expertise and unmatched breadth of capabilities to drive innovation that integrates across the spectrum of clean energy, renewable electricity, and energy efficiency.
Partnerships for Success
Collaboration with public and private partners allows essential resources and industry perspectives to power our research and improve the bioeconomy. Learn how NREL and its partners have worked together for technological, scientific, societal, and market impacts.
Read more about how NREL and its partners are enabling a low-carbon, circular bioeconomy.
Contact Us
Interested in partnership or business development opportunities with the NREL bioenergy R&D team? Please contact us.