Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1252

July 28, 2020

Deleted and Replaced

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    • Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B) is updated as follows:

      Prime Contract Table
      Deleted DOE O 413.2C CRD
      Laboratory Directed Research and Development
      Approved: 10/22/15
      CRD applicable in whole
      Added DOE O 413.2C Chg 1 (MinChg) CRD
      Laboratory Directed Research and Development
      Approved: 10/22/15
      Chg 1 (MinChg): 08/02/18
      CRD applicable in whole
    • Attachment J, Fiscal Year 2020 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan contained in Administrative Modification M1238 dated 03/13/2020 is deleted and replaced with Attachment J, Fiscal Year 2020 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan contained in Administrative Modification M1252 dated 07/16/2020 and is incorporated by reference.

    • Attachment K, Diversity Plan contained in Administrative Modification M1213 for Calendar Year 2019 is deleted and replaced with Attachment K, Diversity Plan contained in Administrative Modification M1252 for Calendar Year 2020 and is incorporated by reference.
