Generative Artificial Intelligence for the Power Grid

NREL researchers are examining ways to use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the power grid by providing decision support and predictive planning and control.

Building replicas on a table with a data web hovering above them.

AI provides transformative potential for the rapid implementation of clean energy solutions, the protection of critical grid infrastructure, and the reduction of both capital and operational expenses in advanced energy technologies. Generative AI, a subset of AI tools, can be trained to deliver reliable information and decision-making support across a range of possible applications within power systems.

Generative AI can be used to help solve grand challenges in the power sector:

  • Realizing proactive, real-time energy system operations
    Generative AI, in concert with next-generation AI foundation models, can revolutionize grid operations by providing proactive decision support and predictive online control to improve efficiency, reliability, and resilience.

  • Building cyber- and all-hazards resilient and secure energy systems
    Harnessing AI provides a strong opportunity to achieve a cyber-resilient and all-hazards resilient grid by reducing blackouts and brownouts and ensuring that all communities have access to affordable, reliable, and clean electricity.

  • Designing and planning a 100% clean electricity system by 2035
    AI will help change the planning paradigm for the future power grid by providing fast and efficient models, high-fidelity scenarios, and stochastic optimization schemes for large-scale integrated energy systems.

Circle with illustration of person looking at data on a large screen with a robot next to them and data icons pointing to the circle highlighting Proactive, real-time energy system operations, Cyber and all hazards resilient and secure energy systems, Design and planning of 100% clean electricity grids by 2035.


eGridGPT: Trustworthy AI in the Control Room, NREL Technical Report (2024)

Work With Us

NREL supports the design and validation of new tools. Partners that are interested in working with NREL to advance their generative AI support systems are encouraged to connect and learn more.

