Considerations for Distributed Energy Resource Integration

This report provides an overview of NREL's recommendations report for integrating distributed energy resources (DERs) in Puerto Rico.

While focused on specifics relative to the Commonwealth, readers may gain insight into methods for updating and improving existing interconnection rules and procedures.

Technical Report

Considerations for Distributed Energy Resource Integration in Puerto Rico: DOE Multi-Lab Grid Modeling Support for Puerto Rico; Analytical Support for Interconnection and IEEE Std 1547-2018 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Task 3.0) (Narang et al. 2021)
This NREL technical report focuses on the interconnection of DERs to the electric distribution system in Puerto Rico subject to the local distribution infrastructure and operational practices and procedures relevant to DER interconnection.

Key Takeaways

DER deployments in Puerto Rico are expected to increase in response to the Commonwealth's renewable portfolio standard goal of 40% renewables by 2025 and 100% renewables by 2050.

The report's executive summary (see Table ES-1) highlights key observations and recommendations organized by category: DER interconnection (technical and nontechnical), physical resilience, and workforce engagement.

Thorough Review of Interconnection Process

Context for Update

Chapters 1 and 2 of this report describe the context for the interconnection of DERs in Puerto Rico. This material is intended to familiarize the reader with the complexity of this context, including the distribution infrastructure and operational practices and procedures that are relevant to DER interconnection, as well as the relevant drivers in public policy and the regulatory framework.

Update to Technical Requirements

Chapter 3 provides technical considerations of and concerns associated with the increase in intermittent generation, strategies for DER interconnection best practices, and potential use of the latest technological solutions identified in the latest revision of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547-2018 (IEEE Std 1547-2018).

Revisions to Interconnection Process

Chapter 4 provides considerations and recommendations for streamlining the interconnection process.

Addressing Physical Resilience of Distributed Energy Resources

Chapter 5 focuses on efforts for increasing the resilience of DER systems based on a review of the impacts of Hurricane María on solar PV installations. The material presents a discussion of failure modes, best-practice construction, siting, and operational options to reduce the impacts of future events.

Applying Process Maps and Flowcharts

The report appendices present process maps and "swim lanes" (i.e., handoff chart) for analyzing interconnection procedures.
