Suggested Reading for Authorities Governing Interconnection Requirements
This page presents a suggested list of references that provide an initial knowledge base of information to help authorities governing interconnection requirements wishing to implement Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547-2018 (IEEE Std 1547-2018).
Applying IEEE Std 1547-2018: What Public Utilities Commissions Need To Decide and Do
Clause-by-Clause Summary of Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018
Revision of IEEE Std 1547 Additional Topics
Voltage Regulation
New Reactive Power and Voltage Regulation Capability Requirements
New Disturbance Response Requirements
New Reactive Power and Voltage Regulation Capability Requirements
Unintentional Islanding
A Primer on the Unintentional Islanding Protection Requirement in IEEE Std 1547-2018
Prevention of Unintentional Islands in Power Systems with Distributed Resources
Suggested Guidelines for Assessment of Distributed Generation Unintentional Islanding Risk
Background Information on the Protection Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018
High-Penetration Photovoltaic Integration Handbook for Distribution Engineers
Informative Background on the Interoperability Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018
Technical Brief on Data Collection Recommendations for Distributed Energy Resources
See the full list of educational materials.