Educational Materials
Learn about the revised Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547-2018 (IEEE Std 1547-2018) through these educational materials, which include webinars, white papers, and other resources.
The revised version features new concepts and new technical requirements, which enable the use of modern distributed energy resources to improve performance of the electric grid during day-to-day operations and improve grid resilience during abnormal grid conditions.
The revised standard was published in April 2018 and is now available from IEEE. Qualified parties may request a discounted copy.
Educational Resource | Publication Date | Resource Type |
Aligning Interconnection Policy This briefing highlights potential barriers to microgrid deployment found in interconnection policy and technical requirements. |
2023 | Technical Briefing |
Highlights of IEEE Standard 1547-2018 This NREL workshop highlights key subjects within IEEE Std 1547-2018. |
2023 | Workshop |
Highlights of IEEE Standard 1547-2018 Implementation Considerations This NREL workshop provides a broad overview of the updated IEEE standard 1547-2018. |
2023 | Workshop |
i2X Solution e-Xchanges This webpage provides an overview of the i2X Solution e-Xchanges under the Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) Program. |
2023 | Website |
Workshops The IEEE Std 1547-2018 workshop series is part of NREL's efforts to provide guidance and clarity for local authorities that are adopting, developing, and maintaining rules around integrating distributed energy resources such as solar, battery storage, and electric vehicles. |
2023 | Workshops |
Distributed Energy Resources Rate Design and Compensation (NARUC) This manual assists regulators in identifying issues related to DER |
2016 | Manual |
IEEE Standards Committee 21 (IEEE) This website is the primary online public presence for the committee that sponsors IEEE Std 1547. |
2023 | Website |
IREC's IEEE 1547-2018 Adoption Tracker (IREC) This resource provides a summary of information related to the adoption of IEEE Std 1547-2018 by various jurisdictions and entities. |
2023 | Adoption Tracker |
Background Information on the Power Quality Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018 (Ingram et al.) This NREL report provides a broad overview of the power quality requirements contained in IEEE Std 1547-2018, as well as a summary of the introductory concepts related to power quality concerns. |
2021 | Report |
Decision Options Matrix for IEEE Std 1547-2018 Adoption (Interstate Renewable Energy Council) This resource is intended to help stakeholders in adoption and implementation of IEEE Std 1547-2018 by guiding them through specific, detailed, decision options that can be used in working group deliberations. |
2022 | Report |
An Overview of Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection: Current Practices and
Emerging Solutions (Horowitz et al.) This NREL technical report serves as a central document summarizing considerations, practices, and emerging solutions across a broad set of topics related to distributed energy resource interconnection. |
2019 | Report |
Applying IEEE Std 1547-2018: What Public Utilities Commissions Need to Decide and
Do (Boemer) This presentation was given by Dr. Jens C. Boemer, principal technical leader at the Electric Power Research Institute, at a joint meeting sponsored by the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation and the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board. |
2018 | Presentation |
Clause-by-Clause Summary of Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018 (Narang et al.) This NREL technical report is intended as a quick reference guide to the technical requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018. In addition to providing an overall summary of the standard's 11 clauses, the document also highlights the default and optional settings for parameters. Clause summaries include identification of the key stakeholders and, to a limited extent, the expected level of involvement they should have in decisions related to implementation of the standard. |
2020 | Report |
Distributed Energy Resources: Connection Modeling and Reliability Consideration (North American Electric Reliability Corp.) This report helps entities, regulators, and policymakers better understand the differences between distributed energy resources and conventional generation and how they affect the bulk power system. |
2017 | Report |
Evaluating the Role of Pre-application Reports in Improving Distributed Generation
Interconnection Process (Petersen, Lockhart) This NREL report evaluates the impact of the pre-application report process and how it relates to the application approval rate. |
2018 | Report |
Fast Frequency Response Concepts and Bulk Power System Reliability Needs (North American Electric Reliability Corp.) This white paper discusses factors determining rate of change of frequency, fast frequency response concepts, and critical inertia. |
2020 | Report |
Guide to the IEEE Std 1547-2018 and Its Impact on Cooperatives (Ropp) This National Rural Electric Cooperative Association white paper, authored by Dr. Michael Ropp, president and principal engineer at Northern Plains Power Technologies, provides a high-level summary of key topics in the revised standard. |
2019 | Report |
Interstate Renewable Energy Council Model Interconnection Procedures 2019 (Interstate Renewable Energy Council) This report identifies several best practices for interconnection procedures. |
2019 | Report Webinar Presentation |
Making the Grid Smarter: Primer on Adopting the New IEEE Std 1547-2018 for Distributed
Energy Resources (Interstate Renewable Energy Council) This report provides an overview and explanation of the major revisions in the standard and the key issues for states to consider. |
2019 | Report Webinar Presentation |
New Approaches to Distributed Photovoltaic Interconnection: Addressing Emerging Issues (McAllister et al.) This NREL technical report highlights the important features of interconnection that call for regulators' attention. |
2019 | Report |
Regulatory Perspective: IEEE Std 1547 Revision and Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection
Standards (Rosier) This presentation was given by Michele Rosier, distributed energy resource specialist at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, at a joint meeting sponsored by the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation and the Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board. |
2018 | Presentation |
State Commission Surge Call: IEEE Std 1547 Revision and Distributed Energy Resource
Interconnection Standards (National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners) This surge call presentation from Michelle Rosier, distributed energy resource specialist at the Minnesota Public Utility Commission, shows how Minnesota's early action on IEEE Std 1547-2018 can serve as a model for other states still considering how to proceed. |
2018 | Report |
An Overview of Behind-The-Meter Solar-Plus-Storage Regulatory Design: Approaches and
Case Studies to Inform International Applications (Zinaman et al.) This NREL technical report outlines steps that regulators can use to approach distributed solar-plus-storage regulatory design. |
2020 | Report |
Technical Brief on Data Collection Recommendations for Distributed Energy Resources (North American Electric Reliability Corp.) This brief is organized according to key grid-entities and describes a set of data that may be useful for each industry group. |
2018 | Brief, Report |
High-Penetration Photovoltaic Integration Handbook for Distribution Engineers (Mather et al.) This handbook gives insight into the impacts of high-penetration levels of photovoltaic systems interconnected onto distribution systems. |
2016 | Report, Handbook |
Reliability Guideline: Bulk Power System Reliability Perspectives on the Adoption
of IEEE Std 1547-2018 (North American Electric Reliability Corp.) The guideline is intended to provide high-level guidance and bulk power system reliability perspectives that should be considered during the adoption and implementation of IEEE Std 1547- 2018. |
2020 | Report |
Prevention of Unintentional Islands in Power Systems with Distributed Resources (Kroposki) This webinar was presented by NREL's Power Systems Engineering Center Director Ben Kroposki. |
2016 | Webinar |
Timeline for Rollout (Hoke, developed alongside the 1547 leadership) This is the timeline of IEEE Std 1547-2018 publication and implementation, including expected dates of equipment availability. Utilities and regulators wishing to require IEEE Std 1547-2018 compliance may use this as guidance for timing. |
2020 | Timeline |
Regulating Voltage: Recommendations for Smart Inverters (O'Connell et al.) This report provides an introduction to voltage regulation concepts, including advantages and disadvantages of various control modes. |
2019 | Report |
Suggested Guidelines for Assessment of Distributed Generation Unintentional Islanding
Risk (Ropp, Ellis) The guidelines in this report are widely used in interconnection studies to evaluate the risks of unintentional islanding for specific installations and to help determine the appropriate mitigation for those risks. |
2013 | Report |
Evaluation of Multi-Inverter Anti-Islanding With Grid Support and Ride-Through and
Investigation of Island Detection Alternatives (Ropp et al.) This report documents results from a set of laboratory simulations and experiments to determine the impact of photovoltaic inverter grid support functions on various anti-islanding detection methods. |
2019 | Report |
The Background for Change (Walling) This article offers a historical review of IEEE Std 1547, including involvement by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and cooperatives. |
2016 | Article |
New Disturbance Response Requirements (Walling) This article outlines the toolbox of possible solutions to these issues found in IEEE Std 1547-2018 and is meant for stakeholders seeking a technical overview of disturbance performance requirements such as ride-through. |
2017 | Article |
New Reactive Power and Voltage Regulation Capability Requirements (Walling) This article outlines the toolbox of possible solutions to these issues found in IEEE Std 1547-2018 and is meant for stakeholders seeking a technical overview of voltage, reactive power, and the associated capabilities in the new standard. |
2016 | Article |
Revision of IEEE Std 1547 Additional Topics (Walling) This article highlights a host of topics not previously covered and which are not strongly related to each other and is meant for stakeholders seeking an overview of the new and unique terminology of the standard, a technical overview of islanding requirements, or power quality limitations. |
2017 | Article |
Kauai Island Utility Cooperative: The Impact of Extensive Photovoltaic Penetration (Lovas) This case study explores rapid growth of solar power on Kauai Island and provides a rich source of reference material on the impact of extensive distributed energy resource penetration that may help guide others. |
2015 | Case Study |
Transmission and Distribution Simulations To Assess Distributed Energy Resource Ride-Through
To Power System Faults (Kenyon et al.) This journal article describes a technical assessment of IEEE Std 1547-2018 ride-through class response to transmission faults. |
2020 | Article |
Impact of IEEE 1547 Std on Smart Inverters and the Applications in Power Systems (Enayati et al.) This white paper presents smart inverter features along with the implementation challenges and potential solutions. |
2020 | Report |
Grid Code Essentials and Streamlining Process for Interconnections (Ingram) The presentation was given by Michael Ingram, chief engineer at NREL, at a USAID Clean Power Asia webinar on July 15, 2020. |
2020 | Report |
Informative Background on the Interoperability Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018 (Ingram et al.) This report provides a reference guide to the new capabilities and requirements listed in Clause 10 of IEEE Std 1547-2018 as well as considerations for their use. |
2021 | Report |
Overview of Issues Related to IEEE Std 1547-2018 Requirements Regarding Voltage and
Reactive Power Control (Narang et al.) This report provides a reference guide to the new capabilities and requirements listed in Clause 5 of IEEE Std 1547-2018 as well as considerations for their utilization. |
2021 | Report |
A Guide to Updating Interconnection Rules and Incorporating IEEE Std 1547-2018 (Ingram et al.) This NREL guide presents a structured, step-by-step approach to help authorities governing interconnection requirements and stakeholders develop and update existing interconnection rules and incorporate IEEE Std 1547-2018 from both the process and technical standpoints. |
2021 | Report |
Background Information on the Protection Requirements in IEEE Std 1547-2018 (Mahmud, Ingram) This NREL report provides informative material on the requirements related to electrical protection in IEEE Std 1547-2018 as well as context and background to improve understanding and use of the requirements specified. |
2022 | Report |
A Primer on the Unintentional Islanding Protection Requirement in IEEE Std 1547-2018 (Narang et al.) This NREL report provides an introductory summary of the unintentional islanding protection requirements in the revised IEEE Std 1547-2018. |
2022 | Report |
Bulk Power Systems Reliability Primer (FERC) This primer provides an overview of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) role in overseeing the reliable operation of the nation's bulk power system, including the FERC-certified electric reliability organization. |
2020 | Report |
Considerations for Distributed Energy Resource Integration (Narang et al.) This NREL technical report focuses on the interconnection of distributed energy resources to the electric distribution system in Puerto Rico subject to the local distribution infrastructure and operational practices and procedures relevant to distributed energy resource interconnection. |
2021 | Report |
Overview of Functional Technical Requirements for Intentional Islands (Narang et al.) This NREL report provides informative material on the requirements related to intentional islands in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547-2018 (IEEE Std 1547-2018, as well as context and background to improve understanding and use of the requirements specified. |
2022 | Report |