Solar Resource Variability

The Solar Resource Variability collection includes data and maps that demonstrate the variability in time and space of the solar resource across the United States from 1998 to 2005.

The measurement of solar radiation to characterize the solar climate for renewable energy and other applications is a time-consuming and expensive operation. Full climate characterization may require several decades of measurements. The data sets here demonstrate that the consistency of the solar resource in both time and space varies widely across the United States. The mapped results illustrate regions with high and low variability and provide visual information to inform where and how long measurements should be taken for a particular application. The underlying data that form these maps are also available for site-specific analyses.

Data Files

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Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Solar Resource in the United States, ASES Solar 2010 (2010)

Solar Irradiance Spatial and Temporal Variability Data File and Format Documentation (2010)
