January 2025 HPC Updates

Jan. 16, 2025

The Advanced Computing team at NREL welcomes you to 2025! We have a number of updates to share with the HPC user community this month.

New High-Bandwidth Nodes Available on Kestrel

During the December maintenance periods, two racks of CPU nodes were reconfigured with extra network interface cards (NICs) on the high-speed interconnect network. These nodes are designed for intensive jobs and software that demand high bandwidth between multiple nodes. There are a limited number of these nodes, so please only request them when your multi-node jobs will benefit. Basic documentation on using these nodes in the new "hbw" partition is available on the User Documentation Site, and additional information specific to LAMMPS and AMR-Wind users will be added to the documentation for those applications in the near future.

If you have any questions about these newly-configured nodes and their uses, please contact the HPC Support team at hpc-help@nrel.gov.

Grace Period for Data Retention Extended Through January


Per our Data Retention Policy, the grace period for data preservation on Kestrel and NREL HPC systems is three months after the end of the fiscal year (FY) in which the project was last active. For FY24, this deadline was December 31st, 2024. However, due to the extended maintenance periods during the month of December, expired /projects data will remain available on Kestrel until January 31st, 2025. Please make plans to preserve any necessary data as soon as possible before the new deadline expires.

HPC Technical Documentation Search


The majority of technical documentation has moved from https://www.nrel.gov/hpc/ to the Github Pages User Documentation Site. Please use the search bar on the User Documentation Site when seeking specific assistance with applications, Slurm job scheduling, and other related technical topics, as the GitHub site is not indexed in the search bar at https://www.nrel.gov/hpc.

Updated Lex Documentation

The primary documentation for the web-based Lex allocation management system has been updated, and has moved from https://www.nrel.gov/hpc to the GitHub User Documentation Site.

