News Release: Leading the Charge to Build a New Energy Future, NREL’s Sheila Hayter Named President of ASHRAE
Sheila Hayter, group manager with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), was installed last week as president of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) during the industry group’s annual conference in Houston, Texas.
As part of her inaugural presidential address, Hayter revealed her term’s theme will be “Building Our New Energy Future.” It focuses on the important role buildings will play in our energy future as the traditional electrical grid continues to evolve toward a smart grid with advances in renewable energy.
“I plan to use this amazing opportunity as president to maximize every moment in ways that educate, spur new conversations, and shift the perspective on how buildings can impact our energy future,” Hayter said. “Leveraging my NREL and ASHRAE experiences, I’ve been fortunate to be a part of the transition toward higher efficiency and incorporating advanced technologies in the built environment.”
Hayter is the second woman to lead the organization in more than 120 years. While serving as the Society’s president, she will continue her role as a manager with NREL and will chair ASHRAE’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Hayter joined NREL in 1992 and has led a team of experts in the Integrated Applications Center, supporting international, federal, state, and local entities with the goal of significantly reducing non-renewable energy consumption through optimized use of energy efficiency strategies and renewable energy technologies, as well as addressing challenges to increase resiliency in the built environment.
Hayter is a registered professional engineer. She earned a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Colorado and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Kansas State University. For Hayter, her roots in ASHRAE run deep. Her father, Richard Hayter, served as the ASHRAE president from 1995–1996.
ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. More than 56,000 members worldwide focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration, and sustainability.
NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for the Energy Department by The Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.