News Release: NREL Seeks Applications for 2023 Executive Energy Leadership Program
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is seeking applicants for its 2023 Executive Energy Leadership Program—otherwise known as Energy Execs. Energy Execs provides industry and community leaders an opportunity to learn about the latest advanced energy technologies, which will help guide their organizations in future energy-related decisions and planning.
Leaders from the private sector, communities, nonprofits, and government are eligible to participate in four multiday sessions from June through September. Acceptance into the program requires travel to the NREL Campus in Golden, Colorado, on the following 2023 dates: June 21–23, July 19–21, Aug. 23–25, and Sept.14–16.
Program specifics include:
- Discussions and presentations by world-renowned researchers and engineers
- Tours of state-of-the-art research laboratories
- Visits to renewable energy installations
- A project due at the end of the program to demonstrate how applicants will apply what they learned.
Founded in 2007, Energy Execs has more than 350 graduates. Each year, 20 participants are selected from a competitive pool of over 100 candidates. Applications will close Jan. 13, 2023, at 5 p.m. MST, with accepted applicants notified in mid-March. To apply online, visit the Energy Execs program website. For more information, email
NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for DOE by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC.