NREL's Geothermal Experts Present at the 41st Annual Stanford Geothermal Workshop
Six members of our geothermal community, accompanied by Bud Johnston, NREL's new geothermal laboratory program manager, attended the 41st Annual Stanford Geothermal Workshop--one of the world's longest-running technical meetings on the topic of geothermal energy. The Stanford Geothermal Workshop brings together engineers, scientists, and managers involved in geothermal reservoir studies and development by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas on the exploration, development, and use of geothermal resources. NREL attendees coauthored, presented, and participated in workshop discussions on a variety of topics, including:
- Charles Visser, geologist, NREL principal scientist, Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Snake River Plain: Phase 1 and GIS Methodology for Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis: Example from the Snake River Plain Volcanic Province
- Neil Snyder, NREL office director, Systems Engineering and Program Integration, A Snake River Plain Field Laboratory for Enhanced Geothermal Systems: An Overview of the Snake River Geothermal Consortium's Proposed FORGE Approach and Site
- Anna Wall, NREL energy technologies analyst, Refining the Definition of a Geothermal Exploration Success Rate and Geothermal Green Bond Certification: Challenges in Investment Screen Criteria Development Using Global Geothermal Carbon dioxide Emissions Rates
- Jon Weers, NREL senior web applications engineer, The DOE Geothermal Data Repository and the Future of Geothermal Data
- Katherine Young, NREL geothermal energy engineer, Technical Feasibility Aspects of the Geothermal Resource Reporting Methodology and Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis: Phase I Summary
- Alex Badgett, NREL intern, Colorado School of Mines, Technical Feasibility Aspects of the Geothermal Resource Reporting Methodology and Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis: Phase I Summary.
"As always, the Stanford Geothermal Workshop hosted the leading U.S. and international geothermal researchers presenting their latest results," said Visser. "It was a very stimulating conference." Visser has attended several of the Stanford Geothermal Workshops since he began working in geothermal in 2007.
The group also conducted Geothermal Resource Reporting Methodology (GRRM) workshops on Drilling, Power Conversion, and Reservoir Management. The GRRM tool, developed by NREL, can be accessed through