From Intern to Engineer, Nick Johnson Follows the Wind to NREL

Jan. 4, 2019 | Contact media relations


Man smiles in hardhat in front of wind turbine and three turbine blades.

Nick Johnson knew, since his internship at the National Wind Technology Center in 2006, that it's where he ultimately wanted to work. Photo by Dennis Schroeder, NREL

Nick Johnson, mechanical engineer and principal investigator at the National Wind Technology Center at NREL, has come a long way since his 2006 internship with the lab. According to Nick, NREL left its mark early.

"Ever since my internship in '06, I knew this was where I wanted to work," he said. "All these little things I'd been doing—getting my master's degree, working at the U.S. Department of Energy, and gaining some experience in industry—were seeds to try and get back here. This is where I've always wanted to be."

But even before 2006, Nick knew he wanted to pursue a career in renewable energy. As far back as he can remember, he's wanted to have a positive impact on the world. Read Nick's full story about his journey to NREL, and his Native American heritage, on the U.S. Department of Energy's website.

Tags: Staff Profile,Wind