Happy Holidays from NREL (Text Version)

This is a text version of the video Happy Holidays from NREL 2020.

Open on snowy, wintery NREL campus photo.

At NREL, we’ve always focused on resilience.

There are images of transmission lines, lightning, hurricane, natural disaster, rolling blackout on a city skyline.

On building a future energy system that can weather storms, blackouts, cybersecurity threats, and still deliver the power we all rely on.

But that word—resilience—it means something different this year.

Images are shown of the NREL campus, people in face masks, forest fires, and hospitals.

As all of our lives were transformed in more ways than we could have imagined ...

We’ve had to rely on our own resilience to adapt to find new ways to continue to advance our research, support our communities, and apply our science toward new solutions ...

People in masks in labs, socially distanced, and NREL technology images are shown such as flexible perovskites.

Relying on the strength of what we’ve built—our partnerships, our programs, our people—like the resilient energy system we’re creating. We may bend, but we won’t break.

Staff members on Teams video calls and many shown in labs and elsewhere wearing masks.

So while this holiday season will look a bit different, we can rejoice in the resilience of our NREL family—near and far.

End showing wind turbines turning in the horizon.

And wish our friends and loved ones—no matter the social distance—a safe, hopeful, and resilient new year.
