How NREL Research and Facilities Advance Wind Energy (Text Version)

This is the text version of the How NREL Research and Facilities Advance Wind Energy video.

This video details how NREL is advancing wind energy in the renewable energy space in the United States.

[Music plays]

[Animated NREL logo and text on screen: Advancing Wind Energy Research]

[Images of various wind energy types appear on screen]

>>Daniel Laird, Director of the National Wind Technology Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory: NREL’s impacts are seen throughout the global wind industry. We’ve been doing wind energy research since the late 1970s.

[Text on screen: Turbine Controls]

NREL’s really led an effort to do plantwide control—so now controlling all the turbines in the plant to maximize power or minimize loads, in other words, minimize maintenance.

>>Eliot Quon, Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory: We have all these instruments. We have some test turbines here on site, and we can actually get all of those devices to connect to each other and talk to each other in the grid, because that’s another piece of the research that we do her is grid integration.

[Text on screen: Turbine Research and Grid Integration]

>>Narrator: Home to the National Wind Technology Center, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory—or NREL—provides leadership in wind energy science research and pioneers innovations that are taking wind energy to new heights.

[Text on screen: Environment and Wildlife]

>>Daniel Laird: We’ve done a lot with environmental and wildlife impacts.

>>Eliot Quon: How can we come up with a solution that helps conserve all of these species of concern while also not stymieing wind deployment and still meeting our clean energy goals?

[Text on screen: Workforce Development]

>>Chloe Constant, Senior Project Leader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory: These are jobs that go across a full range from engineering to sciences to skilled trades like welding, and there’s a huge opportunity there that we’re really excited about.

[Text on screen: Offshore Wind Energy]

>>Daniel Laird: Offshore wind is a big focus of the research and a big focus nationally right now.

>>Walter Musial, Chief Engineer for Offshore Wind Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory: For 20 years we’ve been developing some of the state of the art design tools for floating wind turbines. We really helped build and start floating offshore wind industry.

[Text on screen: Hybrid Power]

>>Daniel Laird: The Flatirons Campus has really become a large experimental playground for looking at hybrid systems and how our future energy system is going to operate.

>>Caitlyn Clark, Senior Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory: We’re combining distributed wind turbines with other technology: solar, battery, even electrolyzers, to produce hydrogen for very specific end uses for those industrial customers.

[Text on screen: Industry Partnerships]

>>Daniel Laird: We’ve had thousands of different industry partners at NREL.

>>Caitlyn Clark: If there are industry members who want to deploy new technologies, test out a new control, a new design, and see how it interacts with different grid configurations.

>>Daniel Laird: You can go to the NREL website and find researchers that work in the area you are interested in and we’ll get you connected to our business development or industry collaboration type of staff here at NREL.

The successes we’ve had at NREL are in actual products that are deployed around the world.

>>Narrator: Learn more about NREL’s research, facilities, and tools to power up wind energy at

[Animated NREL logo appears on screen]

[Narration ends, music stops.]
