Impact of Low-Level Jets on Atlantic Coast Offshore Wind Farm Performance (Text Version)

This is the text version of the video Impact of Low-Level Jets on Atlantic Coast Offshore Wind Farm Performance.

It shows the animation of a 20-turbine array simulation revealing how low-level jet streams (LLJs) flow through wind turbines, compared to ideal wind behavior.

[Text on screen: Impact of Low-Level Jets on Atlantic Coast Offshore Wind Performance, Visualization by Nicholas Brunhart-Lupo, National Renewable Energy Laboratory.]

[Text on screen: Using 20 turbine simulation, two different wind models, focus on single turbine case]

[Small icons of wind turbines on an ocean with cloud-like spheres of white behind them.]

[Text on screen: Ideal Case]

[A wind turbine is shown with animated wind flowing through it in a consistent way.]

[Text on screen: Low-Level Jets Case]

[A wind turbine is shown with animated wind flowing through at various, high volumes.]

[Text on screen: Ideal Case, Low-Level Jets Case. Note complexity of flow structures behind turbine in LLJ case.]

[Both the ideal case and low-level jets case animations are played side by side for comparison.]

[End of video]
