NREL’s Strategic Partnership Highlights: Eaton (Text Version)
In this short video, learn how Eaton is working with NREL to discover opportunities to integrate mobility, storage, buildings, and PV technologies.
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NREL's Strategic Partnership Highlights
Partner: Eaton
A Framework to Optimize Electric Fleets and Grid Services
Problem: Electric vehicle fleets offer untapped opportunities to optimize distributed energy resource technologies.
Solution: Discover opportunities to integrate mobility, storage, buildings, and PV technologies.
Igor Stamenkovic, Director of Global Technology, Eaton:
You can never have enough smart people. You can never have enough diversity and different
perspectives within one organization. It's paramount to have a large amount of ideation
pool in order to really then focus on taking the best ideas and commercializing.
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Outcome: EV Fleet management platform provides new insights into optimizing and integrating
vehicle fleets with other DER technologies.
Thank you to all our strategic partners. Together we are tackling today's most pressing energy challenges.