Renewable Energy Discovery Island: Tidal Town (Text Version)

This is the text version of the video Renewable Energy Discovery Island: Tidal Town.

[Text on screen: Tidal turbines capture the energy generated by the ebb and flow of ocean tides.

The turbines are strategically positioned where tidal variations are at their strongest, usually in shallow coastal waters.

As tidal waters flow across the turbine blades, the rotor and drive shaft spin, sending a rotational force through the connected gearbox and into the generator.

Electrical power generated from the tidal turbines is transferred to shore through underwater cables.

Onshore, the electrical cables are connected to a battery bank, which enables the power generated to be stored for future use by the local community.

To enable the transition to a clean energy future, researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs across the world are developing tidal energy technologies that may help power coastal and remote communities.

Funded by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Water Power Technologies Office and NREL.

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