Mechanical and Thermal Engineering Sciences
The Mechanical and Thermal Engineering Sciences (MTES) directorate at NREL drives technological innovation in the areas of energy efficiency, and renewable power.
We provide engineering and scientific expertise to a variety of federal agencies, including the the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Science, and Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy as well university and industry partners. The directorate is led by Acting Associate Laboratory Director John Farrell.
Advanced Manufacturing
Identifying and developing advanced materials and processes that drive the impact of new energy technologies
Increasing energy efficiencies in residential and commercial buildings that save money and add stability to the grid
NREL'S Alaska Campus in Fairbanks
Innovative buildings design, research, and deployment in extreme and rural environments
Concentrating Solar Power
Advancing innovative technologies that capture sunlight and store heat to provide electricity on demand 24/7
Geothermal Energy
Developing cost-competitive technologies to advance the use of geothermal energy
Water Power
Researching innovative marine and hydrokinetic and hydropower technologies
Wind Energy
Developing, validating, and manufacturing groundbreaking wind energy innovations