NREL Customized Technical Assistance Can Support Jurisdictional Energy and Climate Goals

Sept. 1, 2021

As more states and local jurisdictions prioritize clean energy projects to meet national and global climate targets, NREL is ready to support these efforts with customizable technical support services.

NREL has developed the State, Local, and Tribal Technical Support Services Agreements to help jurisdictions achieve their renewable energy, sustainable transportation, and energy efficiency goals.

The Biden Administration's ambitious target for the United States to reduce greenhouse gas pollution 50%–52% by 2030, and reach net-zero emissions by 2050, has driven U.S. jurisdictions to plan and implement new clean energy projects to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

NREL's Technical Support Services Agreements fulfill a need for streamlined, customizable, and cost-effective support options to help states, local jurisdictions, and Tribal nations more easily implement clean energy solutions that meet local challenges, goals, and needs.

"There has been a long-awaited need for such a service, and NREL is excited to be executing agreements and assisting states, communities, and Tribes," said Elizabeth Weber, the lead project manager of NREL's Technical Support Services Agreements.

Interested users can choose from a "menu" of services to inform or guide their clean energy projects. For further detail, see our full list of technical support services.

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Ask an Expert

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Technical, Policy, and Regulatory Overview

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Custom Data Development for Jurisdictions

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Expert Participation in Technical or Advisory Committee

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Technical Review of Request for Proposal (RFP)

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Technical Review of Proposals in Response to RFP

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Request NREL Expert In-Person Services
(Domestic U.S. Only)

The agreements provide users direct access to national lab expertise, tools, and analysis to inform data-driven, actionable energy decisions. Deployment of plans and solutions drive crucial renewable energy, energy efficiency, resilient infrastructure, and/or sustainable transportation projects.

How Does the Service Work?

A typical service agreement begins with an interested jurisdiction or representative decision maker seeking technical support in their clean energy project or plans.

Once the interested user has explored the "menu" of service options, they can then connect with NREL by filling out an online intake form to indicate the service or services they are interested in obtaining to inform or guide their clean energy projects.

NREL will then connect directly with the user by email to begin discussions to better understand the goals, objectives, and purpose of the project to determine the best service pathway forward.

Once mutually agreed upon services are identified, the agreement is established and paid for by the jurisdiction, and NREL provides technical support until the service is completed. The steps below show a typical service process.

A graphic with 7 steps. Jurisdiction completes online webform. NREL connects with jurisdiction to identify services. Invoice terms and services established. Jurisdiction pays invoice. 1-2 weeks processing at NREL. Service executed to accomplish jurisdiction goals. NREL closes out and requests feedback.

For example, let's say a State Energy Program manager would like to understand opportunities to target clean energy and efficiency programs and/or policies to benefit low- and moderate-income residents. They would use the online form to select their desired service option and then send the form to connect directly with NREL.

NREL would then respond and open the conversation to fully understand the needs and goals of the project and may offer recommendations on the best technical support service options to guide the pathway forward to meet the goals.

In this case, NREL would recommend the following service options:

  • "Ask an expert," which would allow in-depth discussion to identify specific needs, goals, and challenges
  • "Custom data development," which would give users training and customized analysis on the Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool and offer insight on low-income housing stock and efficiency options
  • "Expert participation in technical or advisory committee," which would offer an NREL expert's participation in a jurisdictional or city council meeting or on an advisory committee to provide support to decision makers.

If the program manager is ready to act and begin the service, a contract is developed and agreed upon, opening up NREL tools, data, custom technical support, and guidance to help meet those goals.

Get Started

Interested users can learn more about the contracting terms and limitations by exploring our list of technical support services and connecting directly with NREL via a webform.

Tags: Models and Tools,Resources
