Guam100: Guam's 100% Renewable Energy Future

With support from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Guam is identifying pathways toward an affordable, technically sound, resilient, and equitable 100% renewable energy future.

Guam open fields surrounded by ocean.

In the western Pacific Ocean, more than 6,000 miles west of the California coast, is a small island with big energy ambitions: Guam. Guam's Renewable Portfolio Standards legislation (P.L. 35-46) requires 50% of electricity sales from renewable energy by 2035, and 100% by 2045.

Funded by the Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs, Guam100: Guam's 100% Renewable Energy Future represents a culmination of past, current, and future efforts toward Guam's clean energy future. Guam100 is a comprehensive approach to enabling the transition to 100% renewable energy that considers future load growth, equity, and affordability as well as enhancing the reliability of Guam's electric grid.


The goal of Guam100 is to assist Guam with meeting the technical and economic challenges of achieving its clean energy transition goals. Some of the complex questions Guam100 seeks to answer include:

  • What are the scenarios and costs to achieving Guam's 100% renewable energy target?
  • Does reaching 100% renewable energy mean big changes locally?
  • How can Guam assure that the new power system is reliable during extreme weather events?
  • What are the impacts on jobs and the local economy?
  • What needs to be done to support an equitable energy transition?

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Informed by Stakeholders

Engagement is guided by a Guam100 advisory group of key local stakeholders.

Guided by stakeholders and with help from NREL and other U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories, local academic institutions, and the utility, Guam is navigating its own journey to a cleaner, reliable, more secure energy future.

News and Publications

How Will Guam Achieve 100% Renewable Energy by 2045?, NREL News Story (2024)

Guam100 Fact Sheet, NREL Fact Sheet (2024)


Guam100 leverages proven modeling, analysis, and community engagement expertise from NREL's robust range of past and ongoing work in Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Alaska, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Los Angeles, and other locations seeking to achieve 100% clean energy goals.

Contact Guam100 to learn more.
