Knowledge-Sharing Network

Get access to resources supporting past, current, and prospective communities and partners in the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP), a technical assistance program managed by NREL.

Community Outreach Resources

Resources for engaging community members in energy transitions.

Liberating Structures: Including and Unleashing Everyone

The Liberating Structures website offers practices, activity ideas, and workshops about including and engaging people to work together.

Resilient Leadership Framework

This guide from the Island Institute, an ETIPP regional partner organization, offers examples and activities for developing organizational, team, and individual leadership.

The Spectrum of Community Engagement to Ownership

This 13-page tool from Facilitating Power explains how to engage with communities commonly excluded from democratic voice and power through deep participation.

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Energy Planning Resources

Handbooks, guides, and other materials for conducting community energy planning.

Alaska Strategic Energy Plan and Planning Handbook

This U.S. Department of Energy Office (DOE) of Indian Energy handbook provides a process for Alaska Native Villages and communities to define their energy goals and develop a strategic energy plan.

Community-Driven Climate Resilience Planning: A Framework

This 30-page report by the National Association of Climate Resilience Planners teaches cities how to conduct community-driven climate resilience planning.

Community Energy Planning: Best Practices and Lessons Learned in NREL's Work With Communities

This document from the Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis includes best practices for community energy planning that NREL practitioners and others can apply to strengthen their impact.

Community Greening: How to Develop a Strategic Energy Plan

This guide from the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy provides a step-by-step approach to strategic electricity planning for communities, a method rooted in stakeholder buy-in and political commitment.

Energy Transitions Playbook

This downloadable Energy Transitions Initiative guide from DOE provides a flexible framework that includes recommended actions, experiential insights, and links to relevant resources for seven basic phases of an energy transition.

Equitable Home Electrification Toolkit

This RMI toolkit helps communities develop a roadmap to equitably electrify existing housing stock and facilitate engagement between local governments and community organizations in the planning process.

Guide to Community Energy Strategic Planning

This DOE guide walks through a step-by-step approach to creating a strategic energy plan for local governments and communities, including tools and tips to complete each step and examples of successful planning efforts.

Strategic Energy Planning: A Guide for Rural Alaska Communities

This guide from the Denali Commission helps Alaskan villages learn how to bring together stakeholders at the regional, state, and federal levels to map out solutions that support independent, reliable, affordable energy futures.

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Energy Technology 101 Resources

Trainings, videos, presentations, and articles about renewable energy technology and basic energy concepts.

A Deep Dive Into Heat Pumps with Mitsubishi

This hourlong workshop by Mitsubishi, recorded at a live event, gives an overview of heat pump technology—from how heat pumps operate to how heat pump adoption could impact global energy demand.

Demand Response in the Northwest: Part 1

This article from the NW Energy Coalition offers an introduction to demand response, including key definitions, challenges, and opportunities in the Northwest United States.

Electric Boat Course

These classes from the Island Institute, Kennebec Valley Community College, Mid-Coast School of Technology, Maine Electric Boat Company, and Bayside Marine combine online and in-person learning for people interested in learning about electric boat foundations and maintenance.

Home Energy Audit and Blower Door Test

This short video from Zwell introduces viewers to conducting a home energy audit and retrofitting homes to improve their energy efficiency.

NREL Energy Basics

This webpage provides links to overviews of renewable energy resources—including biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, hydropower, marine, solar, and wind—and energy efficiency practices in manufacturing, buildings, transportation, and other fields.

Ocean Energy Systems

The website for Ocean Energy Systems, a program of the International Energy Agency, houses technical reports, tools, news, and information about events related to marine renewable energy.

RE100: Introduction to Renewable Energy

Solar Energy International offers a 6-hour free online course that covers renewable energy basics, technologies and trends, solutions that are most appropriate for different energy systems, and reducing personal energy consumption.

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ETIPP Community Technical Reports and Presentations

Final reports and presentations produced from ETIPP technical assistance projects.

Eastport, Maine

Eastport Energy Resilience Opportunities

Islesboro, Maine

Planning for a Sustainable and Resilient Energy System in Islesboro, Maine (presentation)

Planning for a Sustainable and Resilient Energy System in Islesboro, Maine (report)

Sitka, Alaska

City and Borough of Sitka, Alaska: Modeling and Controls Assistance and Renewable Energy Resource Assessment (Sept. 29, 2023)

City and Borough of Sitka, Alaska: Modeling and Controls Assistance and Renewable Energy Resource Assessment (Nov. 15, 2022)

Wainwright, Alaska

Cohort 1 Technical Assistance: Assessment of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Energy Storage Options

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Funding Guidance and Opportunities

Funding guidance for communities and other stakeholders in energy transition projects.

American Cities Climate Challenge Renewables Accelerator Funding Guidance

This tool allows users to search for federal funding opportunities and resources for decarbonization efforts, including electricity, transportation, buildings, and resilient energy systems.

Climate Capital Guidebook

This PDF guidebook from the White House, updated in May 2024, highlights federal funding opportunities for small- and medium-sized businesses that focus on clean energy technology and climate solutions.

Communities Local Energy Action Program Funding Database

This database includes grants, loans, prizes, tax credits, and other federal funding opportunities across topic areas such as capacity building, energy justice, rural communities, specific technologies, and workforce development.

Energy and Infrastructure Funding in Rural Alaska: Barriers and Potential Solutions

This paper, prepared for Alaska Venture Fund, outlines the challenges that Alaska's Tribal, rural, and remote communities face in accessing federal funding and potential solutions to reducing those barriers. Search Grants

This searchable database allows users to filter grant opportunities by keyword, status, funding type, eligibility, category, and funding agency and includes a range of open and future grants.

Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization: Funding Clearinghouse

This database lists funding opportunities available to energy communities through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act.

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Project Development Resources

Resources for developing clean energy projects.

Deployment Readiness Framework for Marine Energy

This DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy paper explains the potential for marine energy development as part of clean energy transitions in island and remote coastal communities.

Distributed Renewables for Arctic Energy: A Case Study

This study by NREL and the Renewable Energy Alaska Project offers insight into the needs and challenges of Alaskan communities that are interested in adding renewables to their energy systems.

Renewable Energy Project Development Toolbox

This U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hub compiles resources on policies and regulations, economics, financing, contracts, project development, renewable energy claims, and other topics related to renewable energy projects.

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Technical Assistance Resources

Lists, databases, and videos about renewable energy technical assistance opportunities for communities.

Clean Energy States Alliance Directory of Clean Energy Technical Assistance Opportunities for States

This searchable list compiles federal technical assistance opportunities available to states, territories, local governments, Tribes, and other entities from a range of federal agencies and organizations.

DOE Technical Assistance YouTube videos

This series of short videos offers basic information about energy technical assistance and related topics, including building capacity, renewable technologies, finance, planning, and utilities.

Capacity Expansion

Community-Centered Design

Community Solar

Critical Facilities and Hazards

Distributed Wind

Environmental Effects of Marine Energy


Integrated Systems

Island and Remote Project Finance

Marine Energy Resource Characterization and Siting

Microgrid Training and Design

Resilience Planning

Utility Rates and Tariffs

State and Local Solution Center Resource Database

This searchable database of resources is designed for state and local governments, K-12 school districts, and community-based nonprofits to support strategic decision-making in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.

Technical Assistance

This compilation of technical assistance programs from the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, is broken down by different renewable technology areas.

Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center

These resources from the National Association for State and Community Services Programs include trainings, tools, and technical assistance providers for weatherization activities.

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Tools and Models

Tools and modeling software for community energy planning.

Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool

This map shows disadvantaged census tracts and how they are overburdened and/or underserved in categories including climate change, energy, health, housing, pollution, transportation, water and wastewater, and workforce development.

The Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM) is a modeling and decision support tool that provides estimations for distributed energy resource project sizing and costs.

ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager

The ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is an interactive resource management tool that allows users to benchmark the energy use of any type of building in a secure online environment.

Microgrid Design Toolkit

This decision support software from Sandia National Laboratories identifies and characterizes early-stage microgrid designs based on user-defined inputs and goals, such as cost, performance, and reliability.

PVWatts® Calculator

NREL's PVWatts Calculator helps homeowners, small building owners, solar installers, and manufacturers estimate the energy production of potential rooftop solar installations throughout the world.

Renewable Energy Alaska Project Library

Renewable Energy Alaska Project, an ETIPP regional partner, has a virtual library that houses a collection of resources related to energy education, research, policy, finance, workforce, and other renewable energy topics.

REopt®: Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization

NREL's REopt web tool helps users evaluate the economic viability of distributed energy resources, estimate correct sizing for energy systems, and identify strategies to reduce energy costs.

Resilient Node Cluster Analysis Tool (ReNCAT)

ReNCAT, a tool created by Sandia National Laboratories, helps stakeholders identify potential portfolios of microgrids within one or multiple communities that would balance equitable access to critical services with minimal investment costs.

State and Local Planning for Energy (SLOPE)

This NREL online platform allows energy planners to view energy data and compare future energy and emissions scenarios to make data-driven decisions surrounding local energy and decarbonization.

System Advisor Model™

This NREL desktop application provides a performance and financial analysis for renewable energy systems and energy technologies.

U.S. Energy Information Administration

The U.S. Energy Information Administration tracks data and contains information about energy forecasts, energy prices, carbon dioxide emissions, energy disruptions, and other statistics surrounding the U.S. energy system.

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Workforce Development Resources

Resources for building workforce capacity, as well as tools for internship- and job-seekers.

Clean Energy Internships for Students

This portal from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center connects college students and recent graduates with year-round paid internships at Massachusetts clean energy and water innovation companies.

Island Institute Fellows

Island Institute's fellowship program places recent graduates in Maine's island and coastal communities for two years, during which fellows help build community capacity by meeting community-stated needs through project-based work.

Living Wage Calculator

The Living Wage Calculator helps individuals, communities, employers, and others estimate the local wage rate that a full-time worker requires to cover the costs of their family's basic needs where they live.

Maine Clean Energy Jobs Network

This online job directory connects jobseekers to Maine-based clean energy employment and training opportunities, and allows employers to share job openings that support clean energy generation, storage, energy efficiency, fuels, or transportation.

ReMaine Energy Internship Program

This program, funded by the Maine Governor's Energy Office, places entry-level candidates interested in clean energy into paid short-term roles with Maine employers and subsidizes their wages by 50%.

Workforce Planning and Development

The Alaska Department of Administration's Personnel and Labor Relations Workforce Planning and Development initiative offers trainings and publications for workforce planning, knowledge transfer, and other succession planning tasks.

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Contact Us

To recommend additional resources that would be helpful to include in ETIPP's Knowledge-Sharing Network, please contact
