Conversations in Energy Storage Integration Seminars

The Conversations in Energy Storage Integration seminars bring together experts from across the country to discuss the cutting-edge technologies at the forefront of energy storage initiatives.

Integrated research and development drive technological innovation of energy conversion and storage solutions. These topics will mobilize researchers beyond the seminar by informing our future of work through research and partnerships. We encourage participants to bring questions to challenge our panelists and energize the conversation.

Upcoming Seminars

View the agenda for the 2023 Conversations in Energy Storage event. 

Emerging Energy Storage Technologies

Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. MST

Event kick-off will announce the winners of Department of Energy's Energy Storage Innovations Prize. NREL’s Chief Energy Storage Engineer Ahmad Pesaran will moderate a panel of energy storage experts from a variety of backgrounds to discuss cutting-edge energy storage technologies and the future of research.

Challenges and Opportunities in Energy Storage

Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, at 12 p.m. MST

A series of conversations between NREL researchers and industry experts will highlight challenges and opportunities in long-duration energy storage, behind-the-meter storage, and grid modernization.

Energy Storage Innovations Prize Winners

Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at 10 a.m. MST

Join the winners of the Energy Storage Innovations Prize for a 10-minute overview of the winning proposals.

The Future of Energy Storage Research

Friday, March 3, 2023, at 12 p.m. MST

Students are invited to submit questions for an interactive town hall meeting with NREL energy storage researchers, spanning the areas of electrochemical, pumped hydro, geothermal, and hydrogen storage.

Don’t Miss Out on Future Conversations

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Past Seminars

Watch videos of past seminars on YouTube.

An Introduction to Energy Storage

Jan. 25, 2022
Achieving clean energy goals requires forward-thinking integration of storage technologies. These experts are on the forefront of identifying new strategies for energy storage. This discussion will introduce integrated solutions, share ongoing collaborative research, and outline challenges and opportunities for the future.

Emerging Technologies and Future Energy Storage Initiatives

Jan. 26, 2022
How will researchers apply this integrated approach in the future? Top researchers weigh in on the future of energy storage. This discussion will explore how specific emerging technologies may work together to achieve holistic solutions to decarbonization.


If you have questions about the seminars, contact Rebecca Martineau.
