Commercial Vehicle Technologies

Battery powered bus driving down a street.

NREL's customized evaluations of conventional and advanced medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, infrastructure, and operations enable insights critical for the successful development and optimized use of energy-efficient, commercially viable vehicles.

We partner with truck manufacturers and developers as well as fleet operators to deliver equitable solutions that reduce barriers to decarbonization while meeting performance and economic requirements across vocations—such as freight transport, pickup and delivery, port drayage, yard tractors, public transit, and airport shuttles.

Customized Technology Evaluations

Our in-depth studies span a full range of commercial vehicle technologies, practices, and considerations, including electric-drive vehicles, vehicles powered by low-carbon fuels, platooning, drive cycle analysis, total cost of ownership, eco-routing, and more.

Hybrid electric vehicles

Electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

Hydraulic hybrid vehicles

Alternative fuel vehicles

Truck platooning

Truck stop electrification

Held in May 2024, NREL's Sustainable Freight Futures Workshop assessed status, challenges, technology, research, and equity gaps and identified a path forward for freight sustainability across trucks, trains, ships, and the skies.

Integrated Data and Analysis Tools

Bolstered by world-class computational science and high-performance computing capabilities, our integrated suite of data and analysis tools inform the development of innovative commercial vehicle technologies and strategies that maximize energy savings and on-road performance.

DRIVE: Drive-Cycle Rapid Investigation, Visualization, and Evaluation Analysis Tool

EVI-X Modeling Suite of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Analysis Tools

FASTSim: Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator

T3CO: Transportation Technology Total Cost of Ownership Tool

See our full collection of tools.


NREL researchers publish journal articles, conference papers, and reports about emerging commercial vehicle technologies.



Contact us to learn more about our commercial vehicle technologies research or to explore partnership opportunities.

Jason Lustbader

Manager, Advanced Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure Group
