EVI-EDGES: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Enabling Distributed Generation Energy Storage Model
NREL's EVI-EDGES model configures optimal, cost-effective behind-the-meter-storage (BTMS) and distributed generation systems based on the climate, building type, and utility rate structure of potential electric vehicle (EV) charging sites.
EVI-EDGES helps answer a key question: How can behind-the-meter storage and distributed generation mitigate the costs and grid impacts of vehicle electrification?
As NREL's premier BTMS analysis tool, EVI-EDGES optimizes BTMS system designs to mitigate the costs and grid impacts of fast EV charging through integrated thermal and battery energy storage with on-site solar photovoltaic (PV) generation.
NREL analysts work directly with business and industry partners to meet cost and performance targets for tailored BTMS solutions, focusing on:
- Levelized cost of charging (LCOC)
- Total system energy use and efficiency
- Resiliency and flexibility of the storage system.
Approach and Uses
EVI-EDGES in Action
Electric vehicle charging at retail locations offers convenience, building integration opportunities.
Rapid EV adoption and increased energy demands may strain grid infrastructure and buildings operations. EVI-EDGES offers a solution by streamlining BTMS system designs to make EV charging cost-effective for drivers and profitable for businesses.
During the pre-process stage, researchers generate baseline load profiles for the building and EV charging stations. Then, leveraging NREL's high-performance supercomputing and advanced visualization techniques, EVI-EDGES determines the most cost-effective BTMS design across these parameters:
- Climate – Building energy use, battery conditioning, battery lifetime, efficiency of EVs
- Utility rate structures – Demand and energy charges
- Building type – Energy demand profiles, space limitations, population served
- Capital costs – Stationary batteries, thermal energy storage, electric vehicle charging equipment, PV panels, power electronics
- Controls algorithm – When to dispatch stationary battery and thermal energy storage
- Storage operation – Battery and thermal energy storage state-of-charge, discharge and charge rate, operating temperature.
- Existing connection to the energy grid – Potential costs for needed infrastructure improvement
- Resiliency of the system – Operation during times of power outages.
Data Visualizations
Detailed visualization allows for further analysis of the EVI-EDGES results. Users can analyze which parameter yields the lowest LCOC and identify potential sensitivities.
Integrated Multi-Tool Design
EVI-EDGES interacts with multiple NREL and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) analysis tools including:
REopt: Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization
EVI-Pro: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Projection Tool
EVI-EnSite: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Energy Estimation and Site Optimization Tool
Levelized Cost of Charging of Extreme Fast Charging with Stationary LMO/LTO Batteries, Journal of Energy Storage (2024)
Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging on the Power Demand of Retail Buildings, Applied Energy (2021)
Initiate EVI-EDGES Analysis
There are two options for engaging with NREL to conduct an EVI-EDGES analysis:
Private sector clients can partner with NREL under a technology partnership agreement.
Federal agencies can request technical assistance funding from the Federal Energy Management Program or partner with NREL under an interagency agreement.