FASTSim Publications

These publications provide examples of how the Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator (FASTSim) can be used to evaluate real-world vehicle efficiency, compare powertrains, assess component improvements, or conduct other types of vehicle analyses.

  1. Potential Adoption and Benefits of Co-Optimized Multimode Engines and Fuels for U.S. Light-Duty Vehicles
    Authors: Doris Oke, Lauren Sittler, Troy R. Hawkins, George G. Zaimes, Hao Cai, Aaron Brooker, Douglas Longman, Ram Vijayagopal, David Gohlke, Emily Newes, Avantika Singh, Jennifer Dunn, and Daniel J. Gaspar
    Journal: Energy & Fuels (November 2024)

  2. Simulating Impacts From Transit Service Enhancements in the San Francisco Bay Area
    Authors: Cristian Poliziani, A. Zachary Needell, Haitam Laarabi, Rashid Waraich, Annika Todd-Blick, K. Sydny Fujita, Nazanin Rezaei, D. Juan Caicedo, Carlos Guirado, C. Anna Spurlock, and Tom Wenzel
    Journal: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (November 2024)

  3. Impact of Vehicle-to-Everything Connectivity on Fuel Economy
    Authors: Eric Fong, Blake Lane, and Scott Samuelsen
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (November 2024)

  4. State of Charge Estimators for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on a Simplified Electrochemical Representation Coupled With an Equivalent Electric Circuit
    Authors: Savio Oliveira, Jose Júnior, Matheus Farias, Arthur Alves, Suelen Bampi, Thomas Nunes, Rafael Lima, and Antonio Lima
    Report: EasyChair Preprint (November 2024)
  5. Lightweighting Cost Impacts on Market Adoption and GHG Emissions in U.S. Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet
    Authors: Fan Yang, Aaron Brooker, Sarah Kleinbaum, and David Gotthold
    Journal: Environmental Research Communications (October 2024)
  6. Assessment of Alternative Fueling Infrastructure in the United States
    Authors: Stephen Lommele, Ranjit R. Desai, Caley Johnson, Amy Snelling, Abby Brown, Mark Singer, Jesse Bennett, Jeff Cappellucci, Johanna Levene, and Christopher Hoehne
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (September 2024)

  7. Comparative Analysis of Electric Vehicle Simulator for Accurate Battery Pack Internal Signal Generation
    Authors: Raimondo Gallo, Tommaso Monopoli, Marco Zampolli, R´emi Jaboeuf, Paolo Tosco, Alessandro Aliberti, and Edoardo Patti
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (August 2024)

  8. Co-Optimization of Vehicle and Routes (CoVaR) to Improve Commercial Transportation System Efficiency
    Author: Nick Hertlein
    Report: PACCAR (June 2024)

  9. Analyzing Residential Charging Demand for Light-Duty Electric Vehicles in Colorado
    Authors: Zhaocai Liu, Polina Alexeenko, Matthew Bruchon, Mingzhi Zhang, and Mithat John Kisacikoglu
    Conference: IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (June 2024)

  10. Simulation Evaluation of a Large-Scale Implementation of Virtual-Phase Link-Based Model Predictive Control
    Authors: Andalib Shams, Qichao Wang, Juliette Ugirumurera, Joseph Severino, Wesley Jones, and Jibonananda Sanyal
    Journal: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems (June 2024)
  11. Review of Data Governance Approaches in the Field of Transportation Domain
    Authors: Pavel Hrubeš, Martin Langr, and Zuzana Purkrábková
    Conference: Smart Cities Symposium Prague (May 2024)

  12. Technology Progress and Clean Vehicle Policies on Fleet Turnover and Equity: Insights From Household Vehicle Fleet Micro-Simulations With ATLAS
    Authors: Ling Jin, Connor P. Jackson, Yuhan Wang, Qianmiao Chen, Tin Ho, C. Anna Spurlock, Aaron Brooker, Jacob Holden, Jeffrey Gonder, Mohamed Amine Bouzaghrane, Bingrong Sun, Shivam Sharda, Venu Garikapati, Tom Wenzel, and Juan Caicedo
    Journal: Transportation Planning and Technology (May 2024)

  13. Novel Approach for Reducing Train Wheel and Brake Shoe Wear Using Speed Profile Optimization
    Authors: Hasan Adeli, Ahmad Mirabadi, Shahin Yousefi, and Saeed Fazel
    Journal: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (February 2024)

  14. Real-Time Implementation Comparison of Urban Eco-Driving Controls
    Authors: Aaron I. Rabinowitz, Chon Chia Ang, Yara Hazem Mahmoud, Farhang Motallebi Araghi, Richard T. Meyer, Ilya Kolmanovsky, Zachary D. Asher, and Thomas H. Bradley
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (January 2024)

  15. Modeling and Comparing the Total Cost of Ownership of Passenger Automobiles With Conventional, Electric, and Hybrid Powertrains
    Authors: Vikram Mittal and Rajesh Shah
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Energy, Environment, & Policy (January 2024)

  1. Modeling the Market-Driven Composition of the Passenger Vehicle Market During the Transition to Electric Vehicles
    Authors: Vikram Mittal and Rajesh Shah
    Journal: Modelling (December 2023)

  2. AV Operation and Energy Efficiency Improved Through the Evaluation and Demonstration of AV Sensor Technology
    Author: Nicholas E. Brown
    Dissertation: Western Michigan University (December 2023)

  3. Technical and Economic Assessment of Battery-Electric and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Heavy-Duty Vehicles for Long-Haul Freight Applications in Iceland
    Authors: A. Alonso-Villar, B. Davídsdóttir, H. Stefánsson, E.I. Ásgerisson, and R. Kristjánsson
    Book: Powertrain Systems for a Sustainable Future (November 2023)

  4. Real-Time Implementation Comparison of Urban Eco-Driving Controls
    Authors: Aaron I. Rabinowitz, Chon Chia Ang, Yara Hazem Mahmoud, Farhang Motallebi Araghi, Richard T. Meyer, Ilya Kolmanovsky, Zachary D. Asher, and Thomas H. Bradley
    Report: Mountain-Plains Region (September 2023)

  5. Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicle Sensing and Compute Load on a Chassis Dynamometer
    Authors: Nicholas E. Brown, Farhang Motallebiaraghi, Johan Fanas Rojas, Sherif Ayantayo, Richard Meyer, Zachary D Asher, Ali Riza Ekti, Chieh (Ross) Wang, Nicholas A. Goberville, and Ben Feinberg
    Preprint: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (September 2023)

  6. Fast Charging Infrastructure for Electrifying Road Trips to and From National Parks in the Western United States
    Authors: Dong-Yeon Lee, Kaylyn Bopp, Matthew Moniot, and Alicen Kandt
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (September 2023)

  7. Energy, Economic, and Environmental Impacts Assessment of Co-Optimized On-Road Heavy-Duty Engines and Bio-Blendstocks
    Authors: Doris Oke, Lauren Sittler, Hao Cai, Andre Avelino, Emily Newes, George G. Zaimes, Yimin Zhang, Longwen Ou, Avantika Singh, Jennifer B. Dunn, and Troy R. Hawkins
    Journal: Sustainable Energy Fuels (August 2023)

  8. Analyzing the Usage of Wankel Engine Technology in Future Automotive Powertrains
    Authors: Vikram Mittal, Rajesh Shah, and Alexandra Przyborowski
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Energy, Environment, and Policy (August 2023)

  9. Minimizing Carbon Footprint for Timely E-Truck Transportation: Hardness and Approximation Algorithm
    Authors: Junyan Su, Qiulin Lin, Minghua Chen, and Haibo Zeng
    Preprint: arXiv (August 2023)

  10. Electrification Potential for Heavy-Duty Vehicles in Harsh Climate Conditions: A Case Study Based Technical Feasibility Assessment
    Authors: Albert Alonso-Villar, Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, Hlynur Stefánsson, Eyjólfur Ingi Ásgeirsson, and Ragnar Kristjánsson
    Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production (July 2023)

  11. Modelling Battery Packs of Real-World Electric Vehicles from Data Sheet Information
    Authors: Raimondo Gallo, Alessandro Aliberti, Edoardo Patti, Tommaso Monopoli, Marco Zampolli, Rémi Jaboeuf, and Tosco Paolo
    Conferences: IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (June 2023)

  12. Towards Optimal Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicle With Reinforcement Learning
    Authors: Xinyang Wu, Elisabeth Wedernikow, Christof Nitsche, and Marco F. Huber
    Conference: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (May 2023)

  13. Follow the Sun and Go With the Wind: Carbon Footprint Optimized Timely E-Truck Transportation
    Authors: Junyan Su, Qiulin Lin, and Minghua Chen
    Report: City University of Hong Kong (May 2023)

  14. An AI-Assisted Systematic Literature Review of the Impact of Vehicle Automation on Energy Consumption
    Authors: Mohammad Noroozi, Hanieh Rastegar Moghaddam, Ankit Shah, Hadi Charkhgard, Sudeep Sarkar, Tapas K. Das, and Timothy Pohland
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (April 2023)

  15. Vehicle Powertrain Simulation Accuracy for Various Drive Cycle Frequencies and Upsampling Techniques
    Authors: Franz O'Meally, Jacob Holden, and Madeline Gilleran
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2023)

  16. A Comprehensive Review of Wind Turbine Modeling for Addressing Energy Challenges in Nigeria and South Africa in the 4IR Context
    Authors: Tolulope Babawurun, Daniel Raphael Ejike Ewim, Temiloluwa Olatunji Scott, and Chukuneye Neye-Akogo
    Journal: The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences (March 2023)

  17. Zero Emission Long-Haul Heavy-Duty Trucking
    Author: Thomas K. Walker III
    Report: Clean Air Task Force (March 2023)

  18. Evaluation of Real-World Fuel Consumption of Hybrid-Electric Passenger Car Based on Speed-Specific Vehicle Power Distributions
    Authors: Fei Peng, Ye Zhang, Guohua Song, Jianchang Huang, Zhiqiang Zhai, and Lei Yu
    Journal: Journal of Advanced Transportation (February 2023)

  19. USAID Colombia Young Leaders Workforce Training Program Action Plans: Planning for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Bogota
    Authors: Jeff Cappellucci, Dustin Weigl, Sean Esterly, and Hallie Lucas
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (February 2023)

  20. Valuation of Urban Public Bus Electrification With Open Data and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
    Authors: Upadhi Vijay, Soomin Woo, Scott J. Moura, Akshat Jain, David Rodriguez, Sergio Gambacorta, Giuseppe Ferrara, Luigi Lanuzza, Christian Zulberti, Erika Mellekas, and Carlo Papa
    Journal: Journal of Advanced Transportation (February 2023)

  21. Electric Vehicle Batteries Alone Could Satisfy Short-Term Grid Storage Demand by as Early as 2030
    Authors: Chengjian Xu, Paul Behrens, Paul Gasper, Kandler Smith, Mingming Hu, Arnold Tukker, and Bernhard Steubing
    Journal: Nature Communications (January 2023)

  22. Scenario-Based Drive Cycle Analysis Framework for Zero Emission Vehicles with Cooperative Driving Automation
    Author: Eric Fong
    Thesis: University of California Irvine (2023)

  23. Railway Vehicle Out-of-Roundness Detection with Multiple Records: Simulation and Algorithm Validation
    Author: Vitor Tiago Castro Goncalves
    Thesis: University of Porto (2023)

  24. Improving Future Vehicle Fuel Economy and Operational Design Domain Through Novel Data Pipelines
    Author: Kyle James Carow
    Thesis: Western Michigan University (2023)

  25. Constrained Route Optimization with Fleet Considerations for Electrified Heavy-Duty Freight Vehicles
    Author: Zarin Subah Shamma
    Thesis: Utah State University (2023)

  26. Systems and Operational Modeling and Simulation to Address Research Gaps in Transportation Electrification
    Author: Aaron Rabinowitz
    Dissertation: Colorado State University (2023)

  27. A Method for Optimizing for Charging Cost in Electric Vehicle Routing
    Author: Matthew Lehrer
    Thesis:  Malmö University (2023)

  1. Port of New York and New Jersey Drayage Electrification Analysis
    Authors: Andrew Kotz, Kenneth Kelly, Jason Lustbader, Scott Cary, and Brett Oakleaf
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (December 2022)

  2. Powertrain Performance and Total Cost of Ownership Analysis for Class 8 Yard Tractors and Refuse Trucks
    Authors: Spencer Gilleon, Michael Penev, and Chad Hunter
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (November 2022)

  3. Electric Vehicle Autonomy: Realtime Dynamic Route Planning and Range Estimation Software
    Authors: Carter Bailey, Bridger Jones, Max Clark, Robbie Buck, and Mario Harper
    Conference: International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (October 2022)

  4. Quantifying the Impact of Transportation on Climate – Energy Analytics Dashboard
    Authors: M.L. Franz, Stanley Young, Jeffrey Cappellucci, C. Xiong, Jake Holden, and W. Zhou
    Conference: Intelligent Transportation Society World Congress (October 2022)
  5. Projecting California Light-Duty Vehicle Attributes (2019–2035)
    Authors: Catherine Ledna, Aaron Brooker, and Dong-Yeon Lee
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (September 2022)
  6. Valuation of Public Bus Electrification With Open Data
    Authors: Upadhi Vijay, Soomin Woo, Scott J. Moura, Akshat Jain, David Rodriguez, Sergio Gambacorta, Giuseppe Ferrara, Luigi Lanuzza, Christian Zulberti, Erika Mellekas, and Carlo Papa
    Preprint: arXiv (September 2022)
  7. Evaluating the Current Perceived Cost of Ownership for Buses and Trucks in China
    Authors: Xu Hao, Shiqi Ou, Zhenhong Lin, Xin He, Jessey Bouchard, Hewu Wang, and Liguo Li
    Journal: Energy (September 2022)
  8. How To Support EV Adoption: Tradeoffs Between Charging Infrastructure Investments and Vehicle Subsidies in California
    Authors: Catherine Ledna, Matteo Muratori, Aaron Brooker, Eric Wood, and David Greene
    Journal: Energy Policy (June 2022)
  9. Estimating Fast Charging Infrastructure Requirements to Fully Electrify Ride-Hailing Fleets Across the United States
    Authors: Matthew Moniot, Yanbo Ge, and Eric Wood
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (June 2022)
  10. Framework for Wheel Life Model–Phase I
    Authors: Bora Jang and Som Singh
    Report: Federal Railroad Administration (June 2022)
  11. Mapping the Opportunity Space to Model the Circular Economy Using Tools Funded by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    Authors: Shubhankar Upasani, Julien Walzberg, Dwarak Ravikumar, Alberta Carpenter, Garvin Heath, Ulises Gracida-Alvarez, Thathiana Benavides, Hui Xu, Troy Hawkins, Daniel Desantis, and Joe Cresko
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (April 2022)
  12. A System for Electric Vehicle’s Energy-Aware Routing in a Transportation Network Through Real-Time Prediction of Energy Consumption
    Authors: Shatrughan Modi and Jhilik Bhattacharya
    Journal: Complex and Intelligent Systems (April 2022)
  13. Extended Modeling, Calibration, and Validity Assessment of Vehicle Models in Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator via Real-World Driving Data
    Authors: Karim Hamza, Peter Benoliel, Kang-Ching Chu, and Ken Laberteaux
    Conference: SAE World Congress Experience (March 2022)
  14. Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery-Ultracapacitor Energy Management System Design and Optimization
    Author: Piotr A. Wozniak
    Journal: Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika (February 2022)
  1. Comparing Total Cost of Ownership of Battery Electric Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
    Authors: Zhe Liu, Juhyun Song, Joseph Kubal, Naresh Susarla, Kevin W. Knehr, Ehsan Islam, Paul Nelson, and Shabbir Ahmed
    Journal: Energy Policy (November 2021)

  2. Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator (FASTSim) Validation Report – 2021
    Authors: Chad Baker, Matthew Moniot, Aaron Brooker, Lijuan Wang, Eric Wood, and Jeffrey Gonder
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (October 2021)

  3. Effects of Drivetrain Hybridization on Fuel Economy, Performance, and Costs of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicle
    Authors: Silvio de Almeida and Raphael Kruczan
    Journal: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (October 2021)

  4. The Efficient Operating Parameter Estimation for a Simulated Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
    Authors: Krishna Veer Singh, Rajat Khandelwal, Hari Om Bansal, and Dheerendra Singh
    Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research (October 2021)
  5. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Total Cost of Ownership for Class 8 Tractors and Class 4 Parcel Delivery Trucks
    Authors: Chad Hunter, Michael Penev, Evan Reznicek, Jason Lustbader, Alicia Birky, and Chen Zhang
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (September 2021)

  6. Comparisons of Real-World Vehicle Energy Efficiency with Dynamometer-Based Ratings and Simulation Models
    Authors: Karim Hamza, Kang-Ching Chu, Matthew Favetti, Peter Keene Benoliel, Vaishnavi Karanam, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, and Gil Tal
    Journal: World Electric Vehicle Journal (September 2021)

  7. Real-Time Highly Resolved Spatial-Temporal Vehicle Energy Consumption Estimation Using Machine Learning and Probe Data
    Authors: Joseph Severino, Yi Hou, Ambarish Nag, Jacob Holden, Lei Zhu, Juliette Ugirurmurera, Stanley Young, Wesley Jones, and Jibonananda Sanyal
    Journal: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (September 2021)

  8. Vehicle Technologies and Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Research and Development Programs Benefits Assessment Report for 2020
    Authors: Aaron Brooker, Alicia Birky, Evan Reznicek, Jeff Gonder, Chad Hunter, Jason Lustbader, Chen Zhang, Lauren Sittler, Arthur Yip, Fan Yang, and Dong-Yeon Lee
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (August 2021)

  9. On the Road to a Sustainable Transport Mobility in Isolated Power Systems: The Role of Light-Duty Powertrain Electrification
    Authors: Óscar García-Afonso, Itziar Santana-Méndez, Agustín M. Delgado-Torres, and Benjamín González-Díaz
    Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production (August 2021)

  10. Electric Vehicle Location Routing Problem With Vehicle Motion Dynamics-Based Energy Consumption and Recovery
    Authors: Selin Hulagu and Hilmi Berk Celikoglu
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (July 2021)

  11. Development of In-Use Engine Speed/Torque Heat Maps Across Multiple Heavy-Duty Commercial Vehicle Vocations
    Authors: Chen Zhang, Kenneth Kelly, Andrew Kotz, and Eric Miller
    Journal: International Journal of Engine Research (July 2021)

  12. Automated Transit Fleet Electrification Planning in Response to Route Dynamics, Vehicle Utilization, and Local Climate
    Authors: Karen Ficenec, Grant Payne, Eric Miller, Matthew Moniot, Narayanan Sankar, Namit Singh, and Jonathan Levy
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (June 2021)

  13. An Eco-Score System Incorporating Driving Behavior, Vehicle Characteristics, and Traffic Conditions
    Authors: Junshi Xu, Ran Tu, Usman Ahmed, Glareh Amirjamshidi, Marianne Hatzopoulou, and Matthew J. Roorda
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (June 2021)

  14. Driving Emissions Down: Whole-Supply-Chain Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases from Passenger Vehicles
    Author: Paul Wolfram
    Dissertation: Yale University (June 2021)

  15. Electrifying Transit: A Guidebook for Implementing Battery Electric Buses
    Authors: Alana Aamodt, Karlynn Cory, and Kamyria Coney
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory and U.S. Agency for International Development (April 2021)

  16. On Modeling the Cost of Ownership of Plug-In Vehicles
    Authors: Karim Hamza, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, and Kang-Ching Chu
    Journal: World Electric Vehicle Journal (March 2021)

  17. In-Route Inductive Versus Stationary Conductive Charging for Shared Automated Electric Vehicles: A University Shuttle Service
    Authors: Ahmed A. S. Mohamed, Eric Wood, and Andrew Meintz
    Journal: Applied Energy (January 2021)

  18. Design and Validation of a Consumption Framework for Mixed Fleets Considering ICEV, HEV, PHEV, BEV, and FCEV
    Author: Pol Masclans Abelló
    Thesis: Technical University of Munich (2021)

  1. An Optimization-Based Planning Tool for On-Demand Mobility Service Operations
    Authors: H. M. Abdul Aziz, Venu Garikapati, Tony K. Rodriguez, Lei Zhu, Bingrong Sun, Stanley E. Young, and Yuche Chen
    Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (November 2020)

  2. Comparison of Electric Bus Power Consumption Modelling and Simulation Using Basic Power Model, ADVISOR and FASTSim
    Authors: Chai Wayne Ng and Laoonual Yossapong
    Conference: 2nd International Conference on Smart Power and Internet Energy Systems (November 2020)

  3. Route-Sensitive Fuel Consumption Models for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
    Authors: Alexander Schoen, Andy Byerly, Euzeli Cipriano dos Santos, and Zina Ben-Miled
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles (November 2020)

  4. Scenarios for Transitioning Cars from ICEV to BEVs and PHEVs Using Household Level GPS Travel Data
    Authors: Wei Ji and Gil Tal
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (November 2020)

  5. Range Cost-Effectiveness of Plug-in Electric Vehicle for Heterogeneous Consumers: An Expanded Total Ownership Cost Approach
    Authors: Xu Hao, Zhenhong Lin, Hewu Wang, Shiqi Ou, and Minggao Ouyang
    Journal: Applied Energy (October 2020)

  6. Automotive Lightweight Design: Simulation Modeling of Mass-Related Consumption for Electric Vehicles
    Authors: Francesco Del Pero, Lorenzo Berzi, Andrea Antonacci, and Massimo Delogu
    Journal: Machines (September 2020)

  7. The Impact of Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Driving Behaviors on Fuel Efficiency
    Authors: He Zhang, Jian Sun, and Ye Tian
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (September 2020)

  8. Estimating Region-Specific Fuel Economy in the United States from Real-World Driving Cycles
    Authors: Brennan Borlaug, Jacob Holden, Eric Wood, Byungho Lee, Justin Fink, Scott Agnew, and Jason Lustbader
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (September 2020)

  9. Material Efficiency for Immediate Climate Change Mitigation of Passenger Vehicles
    Authors: Paul Wolfram, Qingshi Tu, Niko Heeren, Stefan Pauliuk, and Edgar Hertwich
    Journal: Journal of Industrial Ecology (September 2020)

  10. Technical Evaluation of Battery Electric Bus Potential in Mexico City and Leon, Mexico
    Authors: Kamyria Coney, Karlynn Cory, and Alexandra Aznar
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory and U.S. Agency for International Development (September 2020)

  11. Hybrid Electric Drivetrain Testing and Design; Cooperative Research and Development Final Report
    Authors: Jonathan Burton and Riley Abel
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (August 2020)

  12. Convolutional Neural Network-Bagged Decision Tree: A Hybrid Approach to Reduce Electric Vehicle's Driver's Range Anxiety by Estimating Energy Consumption in Real Time
    Authors: Shatrughan Modi, Jhilik Bhattacharya, and Prasenjit Basak
    Preprint: arXiv (August 2020)

  13. Influences on Fuel Consumption: The Impact of Driver's Socio-Demographic Characteristics
    Authors: He Zhang, Jian Sun, and Ye Tian
    Conference: 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (August 2020)

  14. Trends in Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Future Light Duty Electric Vehicles
    Authors: Hanjiro Ambrose, Alissa Kendall, Mark Lozano, Sadanan Wachche, and Lew Fulton
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (April 2020)

  15. RouteE: A Vehicle Energy Consumption Prediction Engine
    Authors: Jacob Holden, Nicholas Reinicke, and Jeff Cappellucci
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility (April 2020)
  16. Real-World Evaluation of National Energy Efficiency Potential of Cold Storage Evaporator Technology in the Context of Engine Start-Stop Systems
    Authors: Jason Lustbader, Eric Wood, Michael O'keefe, Nicholas Reinicke, Jeff Mosbacher, Forrest Jehlik, Alvaro Demingo, David Cosgrove, and Yuanpei Song
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2020)
  17. Documentation of Part IV of the RECC Model Framework: Open Dynamic Material Systems Model for the Resource Efficiency-Climate Change Nexus (ODYM-RECC), v2.2
    Author: Stefan Pauliuk
    Report: Documentation for the UN IRP Assessment of Resource Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation for G7, India, and China (January 2020)

  18. Life Cycle Assessment of a Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle with an MS-100 System: A Comparison Between a Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle and a Battery Electric Vehicle
    Authors: Sandra Franz and Anna Liljenroth
    Thesis: Chalmers University of Technology (2020)

  19. Techno-Economic Design of EV Powertrain Based on Customer Perspective
    Authors: Dishanth Vishwanath and Malatesh Godi
    Thesis: Chalmers University of Technology (2020)

  1. Planning Optimization for Inductively Charged On-Demand Automated Electric Shuttles Project at Greenville, South Carolina
    Authors: Ahmed Mohamed,  Lei Zhu, Andrew Meintz, and Eric Wood
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (December 2019)

  2. Development of E-Help Manual Using Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Battery Management System (BMS) in Electric Vehicle
    Authors: N.H. Mohd Amin, M.R. Ab Ghani, A. Jidin, S. Othman, and Z. Jano
    Journal: Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (November 2019)

  3. Optimum Planning for Inductively Charged On-Demand Automated Electric Shuttles at Greenville, South Carolina
    Authors: Ahmed Mohamed, Lei Zhu, Andrew Meintz, and Eric Wood
    Conference: IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (October 2019)

  4. Instantaneous Fuel Consumption Estimation Using Smartphones
    Authors: Samuel Shaw, Yunfei Hou, Weida Zhong, Qingquan Sun, Tong Guan, and Lu Su
    Conference: IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (September 2019)

  5. Estimation of Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network to Reduce Driver's Range Anxiety
    Authors: Shatrughan Modi, Jhilik Bhattacharya, and Prasenjit Basak
    Journal: ISA Transactions (September 2019)

  6. Optimizing the Electric Range of Plug-in Vehicles via Fuel Economy Simulations of Real-World Driving in California
    Authors: Kenneth Laberteaux, Karim Hamza, and John Willard
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (August 2019)

  7. Impact of Time-Varying Passenger Loading on Conventional and Electrified Transit Bus Energy Consumption
    Authors: Luying Liu, Andrew Kotz, Aditya Salapaka, Eric Miller, and William Northrop
    Journal: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (June 2019)

  8. Light-Duty Hydrogen Infrastructure Analysis at NREL
    Authors: Michael Penev, Chad Hunter, Brian Bush, Elizabeth Connelly, and Maggie Mann
    Conference: Green Transportation Summit (May 2019)

  9. Thermal System for Electric Vehicles with Coolant-Based Heat Pump
    Authors: Sourav Chowdhury, Lindsey Leitzel, and Mark Zima
    Journal: ATZ Worldwide (May 2019)

  10. Core Modeling: Maintenance, Tools, Real-World Energy Impact Estimation, and Toyota Prius Prime Validation
    Authors: Phillip Sharer and Aymeric Rousseau
    Report: Energy Efficient Mobility Systems 2018 Annual Progress Report (April 2019)

  11. Energy Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Modal Inter-City Freight Movement
    Authors: Kevin Walkowicz, Yan Zhou, and Victor Walker
    Report: Energy Efficient Mobility Systems 2018 Annual Progress Report (April 2019)

  12. Infrastructure Spatial Sensing at Intersections (LIDAR)
    Authors: Lei Zhu, Stanley Young, and Erik Rask
    Report: Energy Efficient Mobility Systems 2018 Annual Progress Report (April 2019)

  13. Jamaica Urban Transit Company Drive-Cycle Analysis
    Authors: Mark Singer and Caley Johnson
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (April 2019)

  14. Emerging Modeling and Simulations
    Authors: David Gohlke, Jarod Kelly, and Michael Wang
    Report: Analysis, 2018 Annual Progress Report, Vehicle Technologies Office (April 2019)

  15. Modeling the Effect of Power Consumption in Automated Driving Systems on Vehicle Energy Efficiency for Real-World Driving in California
    Authors: Karim Hamza, John Willard, Kang-Ching Chu, and Kenneth Laberteaux
    Journal: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (March 2019)

  16. Alternative Light- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Pathway and Powertrain Optimization
    Author: Blake Lane
    Dissertation: University of California, Irvine, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2019)
  1. Modelling Energy Consumption of Electric Freight Vehicles in Urban Pickup/Delivery Operations: Analysis and Estimation on a Real-World Dataset
    Authors: C. Fiori and V. Marzano
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (December 2018)

  2. Impact of Battery Performance on Total Cost of Ownership for Electric Drive Vehicle
    Authors: P. Prevedouros and L. Mitropoulos
    Conference: International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (November 2018)

  3. Navigation Application Programming Interface Route Fuel Saving Opportunity Assessment on Large-Scale Real-World Travel Data for Conventional Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
    Authors: L. Zhu, J. Holden, and J. Gonder
    Journal: Transportation Research Record (October 2018)

  4. Decarbonisation of Urban Freight Transport Using Electric Vehicles and Opportunity Charging
    Authors: T. Teoh, O. Kunze, C. Teo, and Y. Wong
    Journal: Sustainability (September 2018)

  5. A Pareto Trade-Off Analysis of Cost Versus Greenhouse Gas Emissions for a Model of a Mid-Sized Vehicle with Various Powertrains
    Authors: K. Hamza, J. Willard, K. Chu, and K. Laberteaux
    Conference: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (August 2018)

  6. A Study on Opportune Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions via Adoption of Electric Drive Vehicles in Light-Duty Vehicle Fleets
    Authors: K. Laberteaux and K. Hamza
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (August 2018)

  7. Microscopic Series Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Model: Model Development and Validation
    Authors: C. Fioria, K. Ahnb, and H. Rakhac
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (August 2018)

  8. Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator (FASTSim) Validation Report
    Authors: J. Gonder, A. Brooker, E. Wood, and M. Moniot
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (July 2018)

  9. Light-Duty Vehicle Attribute Projections (Years 2015–2030)
    Authors: E. Kontou, M. Melaina, and A. Brooker
    Report: California Energy Commission report prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (July 2018)

  10. Quantifying the Mobility and Energy Benefits of Automated Mobility Districts Using Microscopic Traffic Simulation
    Authors: L. Zhu, V. Garikapati, Y. Chen, Y. Hou, H. Abdul Aziz, and S. Young
    Conference: International Conference on Transportation and Development: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and Transportation Safety (July 2018)

  11. Modeling and Simulation of Automated Mobility Districts
    Authors: V. Garikapati
    Conference: U.S. Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office Annual Merit Review (June 2018)

  12. EVLibSim: A Tool for the Simulation of Electric Vehicles' Charging Stations Using the EVLib Library
    Authors: E. Rigas, S. Karapostolakis, N. Bassiliades, and S. Ramchurn
    Journal: Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (June 2018)

  13. Total Thermal Management of Battery Electric Vehicles
    Authors: S. Chowdhury, L. Leitzel, M. Zima, M. Santacesaria, G. Titov, J. Lustbader, J. Rugh, J. Winkler, A. Khawaja, and M. Govindarajalu
    Conference: CO2 Reduction for Transportation Systems Conference (June 2018)

  14. Forecasting the Value of Battery Electric Vehicles Compared to Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles: the Influence of Driving Range and Battery Technology
    Authors: J. Woo and C. Magee
    Report: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (May 2018)

  15. Electric Drive Technologies Development
    Author: C. Zhu
    Report: FY 2017 Annual Progress Report, Electric Drive Technologies Development, High-Efficiency High-Density GaN-Based 6.6 kW Bidirectional On-Board Charger for PEVs (May 2018)

  16. A Study on Optimal Powertrain Sizing of Plugin Hybrid Vehicles for Minimizing Criteria Emissions Associated with Cold Starts
    Author: K. Hamza and K. Laberteaux
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2018)

  17. Determining Off-Cycle Fuel Economy Benefits of Two-Layer HVAC Technology
    Authors: F. Jehlik, N. Chevers, M. Moniot, and Y. Song
    Technical Paper: SAE International (April 2018)

  18. Cooperative and Integrated Vehicle and Intersection Control for Energy Efficiency (CIVIC-E²)
    Authors: Y. Hou, S. Seliman, E. Wang, J. Gonder, E. Wood, Q. He, A. Sadek, L. Su, and C. Qiao
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (February 2018)
  19. Modelling the Effect of Driving Events on Electrical Vehicles Energy Consumption Using Inertial Sensors in Smartphones
    Authors: D. Jiménez, S. Hernández, J. Fraile-Ardanuy, J. Serrano, R. Fernández, and F. &Aactue;lvarez
    Journal: Energies (February 2018)
  20. Increasing the Fuel Economy of Connected and Autonomous Lithium-Ion Electrified Vehicles
    Authors: Z. Asher, D. Trinko, and T. Bradley
    Book: Behaviour of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicle (February 2018)
  1. Technology Comparison for Spark Ignition Engines of New Generation
    Authors: M. De Cesare, N. Cavina, and L. Paiano
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Engines (September 2017)
  2. In-Use Energy and CO2 Emissions Impact of a Plug-In Hybrid and Battery Electric Vehicle Based on Real-World Driving
    Authors: Y. Chen, K. Hu, J. Zhao, G. Li, J. Johnson, and J. Zietsman
    Journal: International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (August 2017)
  3. Green Routing Fuel Saving Opportunity Assessment: A Case Study on California Large-Scale Real-World Travel Data
    Authors: L. Zhu, J. Holden, E. Wood, and J. Gonder
    Conference: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (June 2017)
  4. Plug-in Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles: A California Case Study
    Authors: B. Lane, B.  Shaffer, and G. Samuelsen
    Journal: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (May 2017)
  5. Highlighting the Differential Benefit in Greenhouse Gas Reduction via Adoption of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles for Different Patterns of Real Driving
    Authors: K. Laberteaux and K. Hamza
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2017)
  6. A Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Opportunity in Light-Duty Vehicles by Analyzing Real Driving Patterns
    Authors: K. Laberteaux and K. Hamza 
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2017)
  7. On-Road Validation of a Simplified Model for Estimating Real-World Fuel Economy
    Authors: E. Wood, J. Gonder, and F. Jehlik
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants (March 2017)
  8. Modeling Control Strategies and Range Impacts for Electric Vehicle Integrated Thermal Management Systems with MATLAB/Simulink
    Authors: G. Titov and J. Lustbader
    Conference: SAE World Congress (March 2017)
  9. A Computationally Efficient Simulation Model for Estimating Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles in the Context of Route Planning Applications
    Authors: K. Genikomsakis and G. Mitrentsis
    Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (January 2017)
  1. Charging a Renewable Future: The Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Intelligence on Energy Storage Requirements to Meet Renewable Portfolio Standards
    Authors: K. Forrest, B. Tarroja, L. Zhang, B. Shaffer, and S. Samuelsen
    Journal: Journal of Power Sources (December 2016)
  2. Analysis of Electric Vehicle Powertrain Simulators for Fuel Consumption Calculations
    Authors: K. Davis and J. Hayes
    Conference: International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion, and Road Vehicles and International Transportation Electrification Conference (November 2016)
  3. Analysis of In-Route Wireless Charging for the Shuttle System at Zion National Park
    Authors: A. Meintz, R. Prohaska, A. Konan, A. Ragatz, T. Markel, and K. Kelly
    Conference: IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power Transfer (October 2016)
  4. The Evaluation of the Impact of New Technologies for Different Powertrain Medium-Duty Trucks on Fuel Consumption
    Authors: L. Wang, A. Duran, K. Kelly, A. Konan, M. Lammert, and R. Prohaska
    Conference: SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress (October 2016)
  5. Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies Testing of Heavy-Duty Vocational Vehicles and a Dry Van Trailer
    Authors: A. Ragatz and M. Thornton
    Report: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (October 2016)
  6. Regression Based Emission Models for Vehicle Contribution to Climate Change
    Authors: A. Pijoan, I. Oribe-Garcia, O. Kamara-Esteban, K. Genikomsakis, C. Borges, and A. Alonso-Vicario
    Conference: Transport Systems, Theory and Practice (September 2016)
  7. A Cluster Analysis Study of Opportune Adoption of Electric Drive Vehicles for Better Greenhouse Gas Reduction
    Authors: K. Hamza and K. Laberteaux
    Conference: ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (August 2016)
  8. Optimal Design and Techno-Economic Analysis of a Hybrid Solar Vehicle: Incorporating Solar Energy as an On-Board Fuel Toward Future Mobility
    Authors: M. Abdelhamid, I. Haque, R. Singh, S. Pilla, and Z. Filipi
    Conference: ASME International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies (August 2016)
  9. Assessing the Stationary Energy Storage Equivalency of Vehicle-to-Grid Charging Battery Electric Vehicles
    Authors: B. Tarroja, L. Zhang, V. Wifvat, B. Shaffer, and S. Samuelsen
    Journal: Energy (July 2016)
  10. An Opportunistic Wireless Charging System Design for an On-Demand Shuttle Service
    Authors: K. Doubleday, A. Meintz, and T. Markel
    Conference: IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (June 2016)
  11. A Review of Computer Tools for Modeling Electric Vehicle Energy Requirements and Their Impact on Power Distribution Networks
    Authors: K. Mahmud and G. Town
    Journal: Applied Energy (June 2016)
  12. Impacts of Adding Photovoltaic Solar System On-Board to Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles Toward Meeting 2025 Fuel Economy CAFE Standards
    Authors: M. Abdelhamid, I. Haque, S. Pilla, Z. Filipi, and R. Singh
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains (April 2016)
  13. An Energy Reallocation Model for Estimation of Equivalent Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Various Charging Behaviors of Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles
    Authors: K. Hamza and K. Laberteaux
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains (April 2016)
  14. Methodology to Evaluate the Operational Suitability of Electromobility Systems for Urban Logistics Operations
    Authors: T. Teoh, O. Kunze, and C. Teo
    Journal: Transportation Research Procedia (February 2016)
  15. Assessing the Energy Impact of Traffic Management and Vehicle Hybridisation
    Authors: D. Karbowski, N. Kim, J. Auld, and V. Sokolov
    Journal: International Journal of Complexity in Applied Science and Technology (2016)
  16. Design and Evaluation of Cyber Transportation Systems
    Author: Y. Hou
    Dissertation: State University of New York at Buffalo (2016)
  1. Impact of Powertrain Electrification, Vehicle Size Reduction, and Lightweight Materials Substitution on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, and Cost of a Passenger Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet
    Authors: J. Palencia, T. Sakamaki, M. Araki, and S. Shiga
    Journal: Energy (December 2015)
  2. A Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Quasi-Static Wireless Power Transfer for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Transit Buses
    Authors: L. Wang, J. Gonder, E. Burton, A. Brooker, A. Meintz, and A. Konan
    Conference: IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (October 2015)
  3. Evaluating the Impact of Road Grade on Simulated Commercial Vehicle Fuel Economy Using Real-World Drive Cycles
    Authors: S. Lopp, E. Wood, and A. Duran
    Conference: SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress (October 2015)
  4. Modeling Heavy/Medium-Duty Fuel Consumption Based on Drive Cycle Properties
    Authors: L. Wang, A. Duran, J. Gonder, and K. Kelly
    Conference: SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress (October 2015)
  5. Suitability of Synthetic Driving Profiles from Traffic Micro-Simulation for Real-World Energy Analysis
    Authors: Y. Hou, E. Wood, E. Burton, and J. Gonder
    Conference: ITS World Congress (October 2015)
  6. Quantitative Effects of Vehicle Parameters on Fuel Consumption for Heavy-Duty Vehicle
    Authors: L. Wang, K. Kelly, K. Walkowicz, and A. Duran
    Conference: SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress (October 2015)
  7. Electric Vehicle Cost, Emissions, and Water Footprint in the United States: Development of a Regional Optimization Model
    Authors: M. Noori, S. Gardner, and O. Tatari
    Journal: Energy (September 2015)
  8. Assessment of Alternative Fuel and Powertrain Transit Bus Options Using Real-World Operations Data: Life-Cycle Fuel and Emissions Modeling
    Authors: Y. Xu, F. Gbologah, D. Lee, H. Liu, M. Rodgers, and R.Guensler
    Journal: Applied Energy (September 2015)
  9. Thru-Life Impacts of Driver Aggression, Climate, Cabin Thermal Management, and Battery Thermal Management on Battery Electric Vehicle Utility
    Authors: J. Neubauer and E. Wood
    Journal: Journal of Power Sources (August 2015)
  10. The Importance of Grid Integration for Achievable Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from Alternative Vehicle Technologies
    Authors: B. Tarroja, B. Shaffer, and S. Samuelsen
    Journal: Energy (July 2015)
  11. ADOPT: A Historically Validated Light-Duty Vehicle Consumer Choice Model
    Authors: A. Brooker, J. Gonder, S. Lopp, and J. Ward
    Conference: SAE World Congress and Exhibition (April 2015)
  12. Combined Fluid Loop Thermal Management for Electric Drive Vehicle Range Improvement
    Author: D. Leighton
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2015)
  13. Simulated Real-World Energy Impacts of a Thermally Sensitive Powertrain Considering Viscous Losses and Enrichment
    Authors: F. Jehlik, E. Wood, J, Gonder, and S. Lopp
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing (April 2015)
  14. Will Your Battery Survive a World with Fast Chargers?
    Authors: J. Neubauer and E. Wood
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2015)
  15. Measuring the Benefits of Public Chargers and Improving Infrastructure Deployments Using Advanced Simulation Tools
    Authors: E. Wood, J. Neubauer, and E. Burton
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2015)
  16. Quantifying the Effect of Fast Charger Deployments on Electric Vehicle Utility and Travel Patterns via Advanced Simulation
    Authors: E. Wood, J. Neubauer, and E. Burton
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2015)
  17. Combining Agent-Based Modeling and Life Cycle Assessment for the Evaluation of Mobility Policies
    Authors: Q. Florent and B. Enrico
    Journal: Environmental Science & Technology (January 2015)
  1. Updating United States Advanced Battery Consortium and Department of Energy Battery Technology Targets for Battery Electric Vehicles
    Authors: J. Neubauer, A. Pesaran, C. Bae, R. Elder, B. Cunningham
    Journal: Journal of Power Sources (December 2014)
  2. Optimization of Fuel Economy of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using Set Based Dynamic Programming
    Authors: N. Ramaswamy and N. Sadegh
    Conference: ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (October 2014)
  3. Contribution of Road Grade to the Energy Use of Modern Automobiles Across Large Datasets of Real-World Drive Cycles
    Authors: E. Wood, E. Burton, A. Duran, and J. Gonder
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2014)
  1. Overcoming the Range Limitation of Medium-Duty Battery Electric Vehicles Through the Use of Hydrogen Fuel Cells
    Authors: E. Wood, L. Wang, J. Gonder, and M. Ulsh
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles (September 2013)
  2. Sensitivity of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Economics to Drive Patterns, Electric Range, Energy Management, and Charge Strategies
    Authors: J. Neubauer, A. Brooker, and E. Wood
    Journal: Journal of Power Sources (August 2013)
  3. Assessing the Battery Cost at Which Plug-In Hybrid Medium-Duty Parcel Delivery Vehicles Become Cost-Effective
    Authors: L. Ramroth, J. Gonder, and A. Brooker
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2013)
  4. Lightweighting Impacts on Fuel Economy, Cost, and Component Losses
    Authors: A. Brooker, J. Ward, and L. Wang
    Conference: SAE World Congress (April 2013)
  1. Sensitivity of Battery Electric Vehicle Economics to Drive Patterns, Vehicle Range, and Charge Strategies
    Authors: J. Neubauer, A. Brooker, and E. Wood
    Journal: Journal of Power Sources (July 2012)
  2. Variability of Battery Wear in Light-Duty Plug-In Electric Vehicles Subject to Ambient Temperature, Battery Size, and Consumer Usage
    Authors: E. Wood, J. Neubauer, A. Brooker, J. Gonder, and K. Smith
    Conference: International Battery, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium 26 (May 2012)
  3. Quantifying Uncertainty in Vehicle Simulation Studies
    Authors: B. Geller and T. Bradley
    Journal: SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems (April 2012)
  4. Technology Improvement Pathways to Cost-Effective Vehicle Electrification
    Authors: A. Brooker, M. Thornton, and J. Rugh
    Conference: SAE World Congress (February 2010)

For a detailed description of FASTSim, refer to this technical paper—FASTSim: A Model to Estimate Vehicle Efficiency, Cost, and Performance.
