INFORMES: INtermodal Freight Optimization for a Resilient Mobility Energy System

INtermodal Freight Optimization for a Resilient Mobility Energy System (INFORMES) is a modeling framework capable of supporting strategic nationwide rollout of advanced freight technologies and guiding efficient operations.

Two train tracks converge against a sunset. Cargo trains carrying intermodal shipping containers are visible on both sides.

Intermodal freight transportation is a promising strategy to increase the efficiency of transporting goods. By blending two or more freight modes—including rail, maritime, and truck transit—to maximize the efficiencies of each without requiring goods to be repackaged, intermodal freight movement can create significant cost and energy savings.

But intermodal strategies pose logistical and operational challenges. In response, NREL researchers are building the first systematic modeling tool for national intermodal freight movement, infrastructure planning, logistics, and operations: INFORMES.

An infographic shows that an Infrastructure Model (IM) feeds infrastructure scenarios for intermodal freight infrastructure rollout into the Logistics Model (LM) for an intermodal freight network. Observed baseline scenarios and optimized logistics data also inform the models. Present and future logistics flows can be fed back into the Infrastructure Model to further refine the outputs.

Approach and Uses

INFORMES evaluates the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of operational strategies for intermodal freight transportation and the effectiveness of efficient freight technologies. It focuses on the entire freight network, from trucking to rail and maritime freight transportation.

The system will include:

  • A comprehensive modeling framework that captures the interplay between lower-emission technology/infrastructure scenarios and intermodal freight traffic at the national level
  • Robust optimization of intermodal freight operations through simulation of intermodal shipment, background traffic, and unforeseen events
  • Data-driven event-based modeling, balancing resolution of models and computational time
  • An easy-to-execute and publicly accessible software tool for evaluating the spatial-temporal deployment of advanced technologies and associated system operations
  • Ability to generate effective and resilient intermodal freight operations strategies to minimize energy consumption, harmful emissions, and all major costs.

Combined, these insights will enable decision-makers redesigning the freight infrastructure and intermodal logistics system to prioritize resilience, energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and whole-system effectiveness.


INFORMES: INtermodal Freight Optimization for a Resilient Mobility Energy System, ARPA-E Presentation (2024)


Contact us to learn more about the INFORMES framework or to explore related partnership opportunities.

Kyungsoo Jeong

Principal Investigator, INFORMES
