Electric Vehicle Grid Integration

NREL conducts research on the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) with buildings, the grid, and other energy systems.

Electric Transit User Group

Learn how our Electric Transit User Group is guiding future decisions on vehicle electrification.

The research focuses primarily on developing advanced hardware and control solutions to:

  • Accelerate EV integration into the larger utility grid
  • Implement a resilient EV charging infrastructure for transportation decarbonization
  • Validate EV integration solutions at NREL facilities
  • Inform advanced vehicle and charging demonstrations to advance EV adoption at scale
  • Identify grid impacts of EV charging and develop new smart control solutions.

Ultimately, these R&D approaches reduce barriers associated with deploying charging systems at scale, support the integration of intermittent energy sources, reduce the cost of charging, and improve grid resilience. Many of these activities also support the U.S. Department of Energy's EVs@Scale Laboratory Consortium.

Research and Development

Electric Vehicle Grid Integration Publications

NREL researchers publish journal articles, conference papers, and reports about electric vehicle grid integration.


To support research and development, NREL has comprehensive EV infrastructure research facilities.

Integrated Data and Analysis Tools

Bolstered by world-class computational science and high-performance computing capabilities, NREL's integrated suite of data and analysis tools—the EVI-X Modeling Suite of EV Charging Infrastructure Analysis Tools—informs the development of innovative EV grid integration strategies.

See our full collection of tools.


Andrew Meintz

Chief Engineer for Electric Vehicle Charging and Grid Integration

