2022 Central California Travel Study

The 2022 Central California Travel Study collected demographic and travel pattern information to better understand household travel behavior in the state’s San Joaquin Valley region.

Data Collection Agency

The Fresno Council of Governments conducted the household travel study in collaboration with metropolitan planning organizations in Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare counties in California.

Survey Methodology

The two-part study consisted of a survey and a travel diary. The survey gathered data on household demographic composition and typical travel behaviors. The travel diary gathered individual travel data during a specified travel period for all members of a given household.

Travel Diary Methods

Households with smartphones were encouraged to complete their travel diaries using the rMove smartphone app for up to seven consecutive days. Households without smartphones or those unwilling to participate via smartphone completed their travel diaries online (using the web-version of rMove) or by calling the survey call center. These households reported travel for one day (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday).

Recruitment Sampling Methods

The majority of the recruitment was conducted via address-based sampling, a type of probability sampling, with a focus on reaching county-level targets in collaboration with metropolitan planning organizations in the region.

Supplemental sampling methods, primarily non-probability, were employed during all waves of data collection to improve survey representation. The supplemental sample included targeted outreach to hard-to-survey populations via transit rider email lists; local housing authorities; Nichols Research, a California-based market research firm; and the Ipsos™ KnowledgePanel, an online random probability panel.

See the documentation for more information about sampling and weighting.

Survey Records, Data, and Documentation

In total, 7,406 households completed 19,084 surveys representing 150,012 trips across 42,567 person-days.

Full Survey Data and Documentation


How To Cite the Data

If you use the data in a publication, please contact us and include a citation in your publication consistent with the following format:

"Transportation Secure Data Center." [(year)]. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Accessed [date]: www.nrel.gov/tsdc.

More Studies and Surveys

See cleansed data from other transportation studies and surveys.
