2022 Next-Generation National Household Travel Survey – Origin-Destination Data Addendum for the Oahu Region
The 2022 Next-Generation National Household Travel Survey – Origin-Destination Data Addendum for the Oahu Region covers the Hawaiian island of Oahu and five counties in surrounding islands.
An addendum to the nationwide version of the study conducted in 2019, this regional survey provided additional information and spatial granularity about people’s movements to, from, and within the areas under study.
Data Collection Agency
The survey was conducted for the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization.
Survey Methodology
Data were collected in two zones: the core area (census blocks in the island of Oahu) and the halo area (five counties in adjacent Hawaiian islands).
All trips were assigned an origin zone and a destination zone, as well as a travel mode, purpose, and distance. Sociodemographic information related to age, income, and gender was also collected.
Survey Records, Data, and Documentation
Survey records include 1,154,167,619 trips.
Full Survey Data and Documentation
DownloadHow To Cite the Data
If you use TSDC data in a publication, please contact us and include a citation in your publication consistent with the following format:
"Transportation Secure Data Center." [(year)]. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Accessed [date]: www.nrel.gov/tsdc.
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