2013 California Vehicle Survey
The 2013 California Vehicle Survey (CVS) collected data on household and commercial vehicle usage, and on future vehicle purchases.
Data Collection Agency
On behalf of the California Energy Commission, ICF International conducted the survey.
Approximately 8,000 respondents, comprised of California households and businesses, completed the survey. A follow-up to the 2010–2012 California Household Travel Survey (CHTS), the household component of the CVS included a selection of households that completed the CHTS and stated their intention to purchase a vehicle in the near future. Both household surveys used the same survey ID numbers (accessible as the sampn variable), enabling the integration of responses. The commercial vehicle component of the CVS—a stand-alone survey of commercial fleet owners in California—asked vehicle owners questions pertaining to economic and demographic attributes, current fleets, and preferences about planned vehicle purchases.
Survey Records
The survey records include 7,031 participants.
Transportation Data
The CVS data set contains data for the 4,155 individuals and 2,890 businesses that completed the survey. For details on available data and variable definitions, see the data dictionary.
Transportation data are available as zipped files. Download Winzip.
For the study's latitude and longitude data, learn how to access the spatial data.
How To Cite the Data
If you use TSDC data in a publication, please contact us and include a citation in your publication consistent with the following format:
"Transportation Secure Data Center." [(year)]. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Accessed [date]: www.nrel.gov/tsdc.
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