2012–2013 Delaware Valley Household Travel Survey
The 2012–2013 Delaware Valley Household Travel Survey collected data for multiple planning purposes such as the calibration of a new activity-based travel demand model (TDM). It features data from households across the nine counties in the region, including southern New Jersey and southeastern Pennsylvania.
Data Collection Agency
The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) sponsored the survey in collaboration with AbtSRBI.
A sampling strategy was designed to recruit households for survey participation that would best represent overall regional travel trends. Households were selected randomly but with special consideration given to under-represented geographies and transit propensity. On their assigned travel day, households were asked to record all trips made within a 24-hour period. Additionally, select households were chosen to participate in a wearable global positioning system (GPS) technology-based component of the study. A total of 811 participants wore the GPS system.
Drive Cycle Processing and Filtering
NREL has developed a GPS data filtration routine to filter erroneous data points in individual drive cycles sourced from GPS devices mounted in vehicles. Second-by-second drive cycle data collected from GPS-instrumented vehicles during this survey have passed through NREL's drive cycle processing and filtering routines.
Survey Records
Survey records include a total of 20,216 participants.
More Information
For more information about the survey, see the DVRPC Final Report.
Transportation Data
The DVRPC data set contains data from 9,325 households that participated in one or more areas of the study. Each of the 9,325 households participated in the travel survey portion of the study; 480 households (890 persons) also completed the wearable GPS portion of the study. For details on available travel survey data and variable definitions, see the data dictionary.
NREL-generated drive cycle data are also available for this survey. For details on available data and variable definitions, see the drive cycle data dictionary.
Transportation data are available as zipped files. Download Winzip.
For the study's latitude and longitude data, learn how to access the spatial data.
How to Cite the Data
If you use TSDC data in a publication, please contact us and include a citation in your publication consistent with the following format:
"Transportation Secure Data Center." [(year)]. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Accessed [date]: www.nrel.gov/tsdc.