2014 Madison County, Indiana, Heartland in Motion Transportation Study

The 2014 Heartland in Motion Transportation Study collected household demographics and travel information from Madison County, Indiana, residents and evaluated preferred travel options between the county and Indianapolis, Indiana.

Data Collection Agency

Resources Systems Group, Inc., administered the study for the Madison County Council of Governments.


The study—conducted in February to March 2014—included a household travel survey and a set of stated preference experiments. Households were asked to provide details of their trips for one weekday. A pilot study, conducted in December 2013, evaluated the methods, approach, and response rates prior to conducting the main study. The main study data collection occurred while regional public schools were in session, prior to spring break.

Survey Records

Survey records include a total of 4,349 participants.

Transportation Data

The final data set includes responses from 1,800 households that participated in the main study and answered every survey question. Because the primary changes between the pilot study and the main study involved adding questions rather than significantly changing the existing question-and-answer choices, the 126 households that completed the pilot study are included in the final data set—bringing the total number of households in the final data set to 1,926. For details on available data and variable definitions, see the data dictionary.

Transportation data are available as zipped files. Download Winzip.

Full Survey Data

(excluding any global positioning system)


For the study's latitude and longitude data, learn how to access the spatial data.

How to Cite the Data

If you use TSDC data in a publication, please contact us and include a citation in your publication consistent with the following format:

"Transportation Secure Data Center." (2017). National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Accessed Jan. 15, 2017: www.nrel.gov/tsdc.
