Phoenix Park-and-Ride Transit Survey

The 2013 Valley Metro Park-and-Ride Transit Survey was the first comprehensive study of the public park-and-ride facilities in Valley Metro’s transit service area in Phoenix, Arizona.

The survey aimed to improve understanding of the main travel modes used by transit riders and vanpool commuters to get to park-and-ride facilities as well as trip originations and destinations, trip purposes, utilization levels, and desired improvements.

Transit Agency

The survey was conducted for the Valley Metro Regional Public Transportation Authority.

Survey Methodology

Surveys of express and RAPID bus riders, light-rail riders, and vanpool commuters using park-and-ride facilities were conducted in English and Spanish during peak travel periods on weekday mornings April—June 2013.

Survey Records, Data, and Documentation

Survey records include 1,426 participants.

Full Survey Data and Documentation


How To Cite the Data

If you use the data in a publication, please contact us and include a citation in your publication consistent with the following format:

"Transportation Secure Data Center." [(year)]. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Accessed [date]:

More Studies and Surveys

See cleansed data from other transportation studies and surveys.
