Request for Information: Commercialization Pathways for Nascent Renewable Energy Technologies

NREL is issuing a request for information (RFI) to better understand the most effective mechanisms of commercialization support for a variety of renewable energy technologies that could help to inform the marine energy ecosystem.


Through the development cycle, emerging technology developers face similar challenges in transitioning from public to private funding. Many of these emerging developers are still primarily receiving public funding as they advance the commercial readiness of their innovations. To help address these challenges in that transition from public funding to a sustainable business and to better understand the most effective mechanisms of commercialization support, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory is issuing a request for information (RFI) on behalf of a team within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The RFI is seeking feedback on the barriers to investing in a variety of renewable energy technologies. Outcomes from this RFI will inform the development of additional pathways to more successfully commercialized technologies in the sustainable energy ecosystem.


This RFI is intended to collect feedback from public and private investors, nonprofits, professional societies, state and local governments, EERE funding awardees, and the broader renewable energy investment community to provide feedback on the barriers to investing in or providing supplementary commercialization support to nascent technology developers. The identification of these barriers will help EERE better enable the transition from public to private capital and set developers up for long-term success. The information collected through this RFI will  inform the development of additional support for emerging renewable energy ecosystems, including prize recipients, Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer grantees, funding announcement awardees, and other forms of technical assistance. 

Request for Information

Please fill out this brief form. The RFI will close on Friday, Aug. 30, at 5 p.m. ET/3 p.m. MT.
