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Yaman Peksenar – Biodegradable Plastics

As part of the Sustainable Chemicals team, Yaman Peksenar has helped develop a renewable and biodegradable bioplastic that's environmentally friendly and cheaper to produce than its petrochemical competitors.

The biodegradable plastic can be reused at the end of its life cycle to create new products or degrade in the environment without causing harm to humans or ecosystems.


Yaman Peksenar

Yaman Peksenar

Sustainable Chemicals

Peksenar is the senior chemist at Sustainable Chemicals, where he is developing a family of renewable and biodegradable plastics that will contribute significantly to the decarbonization of the plastic industry and reduce the amount of plastic in our oceans and waterways.

During West Gate, Peksenar will work on a unique form of this bioplastic for use in flexible films and soft plastics packaging.


In the News

Critical Need

While plastics offer industry an affordable, reliable product, they pose an environmental threat; the plastics industry is the fastest-growing source of industrial greenhouse gases in the world, and plastic in Earth's oceans is projected to surpass fish by 2050. To mitigate the environmental repercussions of the plastic industry, Sustainable Chemicals' bioplastic provides a viable alternative that offers high-quality, environmentally friendly materials.

Potential Impact

Global adoption of Sustainable Chemicals' technology to replace large-volume polyethylene and polypropylene plastic markets could yield significant environmental benefits, including:

  1. Reduction of carbon emissions: Annually reducing millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, contributing significantly to mitigating climate change
  2. Mitigation of microplastics accumulation: Curtailing nearly one-fourth of toxic microplastics accumulation, offering a promising solution to combat the pervasive issue of pollution in our ecosystems
  3. Diminishing ocean pollution: Reducing ocean pollution by more than one-tenth, potentially preserving the delicate balance of marine ecosystems.

These potential benefits underscore the critical role this technology can play in addressing some of the most pressing environmental challenges facing our planet.

Innovation and Advantages

Sustainable Chemicals' bioplastic uses a cost-competitive monomer produced in good yield, high purity, and large volumes from biomass and that's cheaper than ethylene at scale. The polymer has tunable mechanical properties to fit a variety of market needs. This technology will replace both amorphous plastics such as plastic bags and semi-crystalline plastics such as plastic containers.

The company's products are made from renewable raw materials, have a low carbon footprint, and are chemically recyclable and biodegradable—meaning they'll perform just as virgin plastic products while naturally degrading into harmless byproducts.



Bench scale



Potential Markets

  • Packaging and containers for personal care and cosmetic applications
  • Disposable items used in the medical and health care industries
  • Plastic films for bags and shipping

Looking For

  • Funding
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Customer identification
  • Subject matter experts
  • Space (office/lab) recommendations
