Systems Engineering 2010 Workshop
The 1st NREL Wind Energy Systems Engineering Workshop took place on December 14, 2010, at the National Wind Technology Center (NWTC). The workshop included a range of invited speakers from academia, industry, and international research laboratories.
Systems engineering represents a holistic approach to design, where significant engineering components and life-cycle costs of the product are modeled in the design process. Systems engineering approaches are used routinely outside of the wind industry and can result in significant performance improvements and savings in capital and operating costs. In spite of the fact that many levels of wind energy design are closely coupled, from individual components to long term system operational plans, a framework that spans the range of scales for wind plant design does not exist today.
To fill this gap, NREL's workshop had two goals. First, outline the requirements for a systems engineering approach in wind plant design through the development of an open and flexible systems engineering framework that can be used for the multidisciplinary analysis and design of complete wind energy plants; and second, to discuss feasible methods for implementing a tool to accomplish the former.
The workshop participants agreed on a framework that will: 1) provide governmental agencies (e.g. DOE) with a validated tool to evaluate the impact of new technologies on overall cost of energy and deployment scenarios, and 2) provide the wind industry with a systems engineering design tool that can be used to design, optimize, and operate future wind plants more effectively across the diverse stakeholder groups.
A white paper to describe the path forward will be drafted for public comment in the coming months. A portion of the paper will examine current tools and capabilities, as well as cost modeling capabilities and gaps, to create a path forward for development of a comprehensive tool.
Learn more about the workshop and watch the slide presentation:
Meeting Agenda and Presentations
- Arrival and Security Processing
- 8:00 Continental Breakfast
- Welcome
- 8:30 Fort Felker, Director, National Wind Technology Center
System Engineering Workshop Welcome and Introduction
- 8:30 Fort Felker, Director, National Wind Technology Center
- Department of Energy Perspective
- 8:40 Chris Hart, Manager — Offshore Wind, DOE Wind and Water Power Technologies Office
- Academic Overview
- 9:00 Juan Alonso, Stanford University
Some Thoughts on Applicability of Aerospace Analysis and Design Techniques to Wind Energy - 9:30 Katherine Dykes, MIT
Systems Engineering Methods With Potential Applications to Wind Energy - 9:55 Deniz Ozkan, George Washington University
Integrated System Analysis of Offshore Wind Projects - 10:20 Break
- 9:00 Juan Alonso, Stanford University
- NREL Overview
- 10:35 Scott Schreck, WindPACT studies
WindPACT — A Precursor to Wind System COE Modeling - 11:00 Maureen Hand, Cost Modeling
Wind Generation Technology Cost Modeling
- 10:35 Scott Schreck, WindPACT studies
- Industry Perspective — Manufacturers
- 11:25 Andy Paliszewski, Siemens Energy
SWT-3.0-101: An example of Systems Engineering - 12:00 Lunch
- 11:25 Andy Paliszewski, Siemens Energy
- Industry Perspective — Developers
- 1:00 Brad Horn, NextEra
- 1:25 Andy Oliver, RES Americas
Industry Perspective — Developers - 1:50 Scott Haynes, Iberdrola
Application of Systems Engineering to Wind Farm Design: A Focus on Meteorology and Tools
- Industry Perspective — Consultants
- 2:15 David Malcolm, GEC-DNV
Systems engineering in wind energy at DNV: Some thoughts on the approach to wind turbine design, choice, and deployment - 2:40 Break
- 2:15 David Malcolm, GEC-DNV
- Computer Science Perspective
- 2:55 Mike Eldred, Sandia National Laboratories
Overview of DAKOTA Project (from the software perspective)
- 2:55 Mike Eldred, Sandia National Laboratories
- International Laboratories
- 3:20 Bernard Bulder, ECN
Integral Wind Turbine Design with Focus–6 - 3:45 Flemming Rasmussen, Risø–DTU
System Engineering
- 3:20 Bernard Bulder, ECN
- Discussion
- 4:10 Paul Veers, Chief Engineer, National Wind Technology Center
- Conclusion
- 5:30
- 6:30 Non-hosted group dinner in Boulder at The Mediterranean
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