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For Aspen Plus BKP files, replace “.tiff” file name extension with “.bkp”.
NOTICE: All information on this page is subject to a disclaimer.
Last Updated: November 2018
Algae Production via Open Pond Cultivation: NREL Algae Farm Model (Excel TEA Tool)
Contacts: Ryan Davis and Bruno Klein
2016 Algae Farm Design Report of Davis et al.
NREL 2017 Biochemical Sugar Model
Contacts: Ling Tao and Ryan Davis
- BKP File (Built in Aspen Plus V7.2)
- Excel Spreadsheet
- Readme Summary Sheet
Process Design for Biochemical Conversion of Biomass to Ethanol (2002 and 2011 Design Reports)
Contacts: Ling Tao and Ryan Davis
2011 Design Report of Humbird et al.
DW1102A — Files supporting the 2011 Design Report
Tables in the spreadsheet may differ slightly from those in the report due to small errors corrected after publication.
- BKP File (Requires Aspen Plus V7.2; does not require NREL databanks or Fortran compiler)
- Excel Spreadsheet with Macros (Requires Excel 2007 or later)
DW1107A – Direct Port of DW1102A to Aspen Plus V7.3
- BKP File (Requires Aspen Plus V7.3)
- Excel Spreadsheet with Macros (Requires Excel 2007 or later)
DW1111A – Based on DW1107A with dependencies on NIST property databank removed. Results are slightly different from the above versions.
- BKP File (Requires Aspen Plus V7.3)
- Excel Spreadsheet with Macros (Requires Excel 2007 or later)
DW1910A – Direct Port of DW1102A to Aspen Plus V10. Compatible with Aspen V10 and Excel 2019; results are slightly different from above versions.
- BKP file (Requires Aspen Plus V10)
- Excel Spreadsheet with Macros (Built in Excel for Office 365)
2002 Design Report of Aden et al.
I0203I — files directly supporting the 2002 Design Report
- Input File (needs BIODFMS2 in-house databank, USRAN4 object module, & Aspen Plus 10.2)
- Report File
- Summary File
- Excel Spreadsheet
- Summary Sheet
J0601A — updated to use AspenOne 2004 (both from command line & GUI)
- Input File (needs BIODFMS3 in-house databank & USRAN4 object module)
- Report File
- Summary File
- BKP file for GUI (needs BIODFMS3 in-house databank & USRAN4 object module)
E0602A — updated to use HIERARCHY structure & AspenOne 2004 (both from command line & GUI)
- Input File (needs BIODFMS3 in-house databank & USRAN4 object module)
- BKP file for GUI (needs BIODFMS3 in-house databank & USRAN4 object module)
- Report File
- Summary File
- Energy Balance Spreadsheet, using the Summary file & using the BKP file.
Biochem Supporting Files
Simplified Biomass to Ethanol Process Model
Colocated Corn Stover to Ethanol With Corn Dry Mill
Link to design report (pdf format)
- Aspen & Excel files: Combined Utilities
- Aspen & Excel files: Combined Ethanol Purification
- Aspen & Excel files: Combined product processing
- Aspen & Excel files: Combined C5 & C6 fermentation
Wood to Hydrogen Using Indirectly Heated Gasifier
Contact: Abhijit Dutta
Link to design report Design for "Current" Tar Reforming Technology
Design for "Goal" Tar Reforming Technology
Supporting Files
- BATYD4 & USRDC1 Fortran & object modules
Biodiesel LCA
Report: Life Cycle Inventory of Biodiesel and Petroleum Diesel for Use in an Urban Bus
TEAM files
Wood to Mixed Alcohols
Contact: Abhijit Dutta
Supporting Files
- BATYD5 & USRDC1 Fortran & object modules
Ex Situ and In Situ Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis Models
Contact: Abhijit Dutta
Simplified ex situ and in situ catalytic fast pyrolysis models based on the 2015 Design Report of Dutta et al.
The following models are distributed under the GNU General Public License. You will need a separate license to use the Aspen Plus and Microsoft Excel software packages in order to run the models.
Ex Situ
- BKP File (Developed in Aspen Plus V10)
- Excel Spreadsheet (Developed in Excel 2016)
In Situ
- BKP File (Developed in Aspen Plus V10)
- Excel Spreadsheet (Developed in Excel 2016)
Last Updated Jan. 27, 2025