This website documents administrative modifications incorporated into the Prime Contract between the Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC and the U.S. Department of Energy for the management and operation of NREL. The period of performance for contract number DE-AC36-08GO28308 is Oct. 1, 2008–Sept. 30, 2028.
Access historical versions of administrative modifications made to the prime contract via the archive. For more information about the prime contract, contact Jeannie Berens with Requirements Management.
Contract Resources
Prime Contract Modification Index
Access a list of current fiscal year administrative and financial modifications to the Prime Contract. Find previous fiscal year Prime Contract Modification Indexes.
Standard Form 30 – Modification 1448
See the current administrative modification to NREL's Prime Contract, effective Sept. 30, 2024.
Prime Contract Table of Contents
View the different sections of the Prime Contract.
Executive Materials
Sample Correspondence Protocol Letter (Restricted access)
Signature Request form (Restricted access)
Ownership Reports (Restricted access)
Prime Contract Sections
The following documents detail the current versions of the Prime Contract by section.
M1448 9/30/24
M1358 2/6/23
M1358 2/6/23
M1136 3/20/17
M1358 2/6/23
M1358 2/6/23
M1371 5/15/23
M1371 5/15/23
- Attachment A, Personnel (Appendix A)*
- Attachment B, Key Personnel*
- Attachment C, Small Business Subcontracting Plan*
- Attachment D, Special Financial Institution Account Agreement for Use with the Payments Cleared Financing Agreement*
- Attachment E RESERVED (formerly Applicable Laws and Regulations [List A])
- Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B)
M1425 5/10/24 DOE Directives - Attachment G, Sensitive Foreign Nations Control*
- Attachment H, Performance Guarantee Agreement*
- Attachment I, Contractor Purchasing System Requirements*
- Attachment J, Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan *
- Attachment K, Diversity Plan*
- Attachment L, Employee Concerns Program (ECP) Implementation Plan*
- Attachment M, RESERVED (formerly Equal Opportunity Employment Program)*
- Attachment N, RESERVED (formerly Supplemental Requirements to Laws, Regulations, and DOE Directives)*
- Attachment O, RESERVED (formerly Commercialization Plan)*
- Attachment P, RESERVED (formerly Five Year Strategic Plan)*
- Attachment Q, Organizational Conflict Of Interest Management Plan*
- Attachment R, Organizational Conflict Of Interest Implementation Program *
- Attachment S, Human Resources Compensation Plan*
- Attachment T, Human Resources Workforce Plan*
- Attachment U, Treaties and International Agreements*
*This document contains proprietary information not generally considered a business reason need. Contact Jeannie Berens.
Last Updated Dec. 27, 2024