Prime Contract Updates

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Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1221

Aug. 23, 2019

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    Section J, Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B)

    • Deleted:
      DOE O 205.1B Chg 3 (PgChg) CRD
      Department of Energy Cyber Security Program
      Chg 3 (PgChg): 04/29/14 
    • Added:
      DOE O 205.1C CRD
      Department of Energy Cyber Security Program
      Approved: 05/15/19 

  • Section C: Description/Specification/Statement of Work
    Section C, C.4, Paragraph (b)(3)

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1220

Aug. 23, 2019

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    Section J, Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B) is deleted and replaced as follows:

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1214

June 20, 2019

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    Attachment J, Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan. FY 2019 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan, dated March 28, 2019 is deleted and replaced with the FY 2019 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan, dated May 14, 2019 and is incorporated into the contract by reference.

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1213

June 19, 2019


  • Section H, Special Contract Requirements
    Clause H.51, Workforce Restructuring is incorporated into Section H.

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    Attachment K, Diversity Plan.  CY 2017 is deleted and replaced with CY 2019 Diversity Plan and incorporated into the contract by reference.

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1210

May 13, 2019

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1210

Deleted and Reserved:

  • Section H, Special Contract Requirements

    Clause H.28, Employee Concerns Program is deleted and reserved

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*

    Section J, Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B)

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1207

April 18, 2019

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section H: Special Contract Requirements
    Clause H.50 Real Property Asset Management was incorporated into Section H.

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1193

Oct. 25, 2018

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section H: Special Contract Requirements
    Clause H.9 Responsible Corporate Official is deleted and replaced to reflect Ronald Townsend as the Responsible Corporate Official.

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1189

Sept. 17, 2018

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B)

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1184

July 11, 2018

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments
    Attachment J, Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan.  FY 2018 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan, dated March 12, 2018, is deleted and replaced with the FY 2018 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan, dated June 22, 2018 and is incorporated by reference.

Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1178

May 10, 2018

Deleted and Replaced:

  • Section H: Special Contract Requirements
    Section H, Clause H.42, Non-Federal Agreement for Commercializing Technology (Pilot) with H.42, Agreements for Commercializing Technology