Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1337

Sept. 7, 2022

Deleted and Replaced

  • Section H: Special Contract Requirements
    Clause H.3 Employee Compensation: Pay and Benefits is deleted and replaced with Clause H.3 Employee Compensation: Pay and Benefits (DOE-H-2001, Jun 2022).

    Prime Contract Table
    Action Summary Applicability

    DOE O 130.1 CRD
    Budget Formulation
    Approved: 09/29/95

    CRD applicable in whole

    DOE O 142.3A Chg 2 (LtdChg) CRD
    Unclassified Foreign Visits and Assignments Program
    Approved: 10/14/10
    Chg 1 (MinChg): 01/18/17
    Chg 2 (LtdChg): 12/13/19

    CRD applicable in whole

    DOE O 142.3B Chg 1 (LtdChg) CRD
    Unclassified Foreign National Access Program
    Approved: 01/15/21
    Chg 1(LtdChg): 03/02/22

    CRD applicable in whole

    DOE O 226.1B CRD
    Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy
    Approved: 04/25/11

    CRD applicable in whole

    DOE O 226.1B Chg 1 (AdminChg) CRD
    Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy
    Approved: 04/25/11
    Chg 1 (Admin Chg): 05/03/22

    CRD applicable in whole
