Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1346

Nov. 10, 2022


  • Section H: Special Contract Requirements
    Clause H.57, Key Personnel (DOE-H-2070, OCT 2014) – Alternate I (OCT 2014).

Deleted and Replaced

  • Section B: Supplies and Services
    Clause B.3, Transition Cost, Estimated Costs and Maximum Available Fee added the "Total Available Fee" table for Fiscal Year 2024-Fiscal Year 2028 and amended the Fiscal Year 2023 amounts in the existing table.

  • Section C: Description/Specification/ Statement of Work
    Clause C.4, Statement of Work updated Contract Extension Requirements.

  • Section F: Deliveries or Performance
    Clause F.1, Term of Contract updated the period of performance of the contract.

  • Section H: Special Contract Requirements
    Clause H.9, Responsible Corporate Official updated the new current Chair.

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments
    Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B) is updated with the following:

    Prime Contract Table
    Action Summary Applicability
    Delete DOE O 470.5 CRD
    Insider Threat Program

    Approved: 06/02/14

    CRD applicable in part

    DOE O 470.5 CRD
    Insider Threat Program
    Approved: 06/02/14

    CRD applicable in whole
