Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1189

Sept. 17, 2018

Deleted and Replaced

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    • Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B)

      Prime Contract Table


      DOE O 413.3B Chg 4 (MinChg) CRD, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets

      CRD applicable in part


      DOE O 413.3B Chg 5 (MinChg) CRD
      Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets
      Approved: 11/29/10
      Chg 5 (MinChg): 04/12/18

      CRD applicable in part


      DOE O 473.3A CRD
      Protection Program Operations

      CRD applicable in part


      DOE O 473.3A Chg 1 (MinChg) CRD
      Protection Program Operations
      Approved: 03/23/16
      Chg 1 (MinChg): 01/02/18

      CRD applicable in part


  • Section H, Special Contract Requirements
    • Clause H.42 Non-Federal Agreement for Commercializing Technology is updated with format corrections to italicize characters within the square brackets in paragraph 8a to match the formatting as issued in Department of Energy Acquisition Letter: AL2018-06.

    • Clause H.49 is updated with format corrections to remove erroneous spacing between clauses H.48 and H.49.

  • Section I, Contract Clauses
    • Table of Contents is updated with administrative corrections to the title of clause I.173.

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments*
    • Table of Contents is updated with numerous formats and an administrative correction to the title of Attachment M, Equal Employment Opportunity Program.
