Summary of Prime Contract Mod 1260

Sept. 30, 2020

Deleted and Replaced

  • Section I: Contract Clauses
    • Clause I.28 52.219-9 – Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Jan 2017) Alternate II (Nov 2016) is hereby deleted and replaced with Clause I.28 52.219-9 – Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Jun 2020) Alternate II (Nov 2016)

  • Section J: List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments
    • Attachment F, Operating and Administrative Requirements (List B), is deleted and replaced as follows:

      Prime Contract Table
      Action Summary Applicability

      DOE O 142.3A Chg 1 (MinChg) CRD
      Unclassified Foreign Visits and Assignments Program
      Approved: 10/14/10
      Chg 1 (MinChg): 01/18/17

      CRD applicable in whole

      DOE O 142.3A Chg 2 (LtdChg) CRD
      Unclassified Foreign Visits and Assignments Program
      Approved: 10/14/10
      Chg 1 (MinChg) 01/18/17
      Chg 2 (LtdChg): 12/13/19

      CRD applicable in whole

      DOE O 151.1D CRD
      Comprehensive Emergency Management System
      Approved: 08/11/16

      CRD applicable in whole

      DOE O 151.1D Chg 1 (MinChg) CRD
      Comprehensive Emergency Management System
      Approved: 08/11/16
      Chg 1 (MinChg): 10/04/19

      CRD applicable in whole

      DOE O 206.1 CRD
      Department of Energy Privacy Program
      Approved: 01/16/09

      CRD applicable in whole

      DOE O 206.1 Chg 1 (MinChg) CRD
      Department of Energy Privacy Program
      Approved: 01/16/09
      Chg 1 (MinChg): 11/01/18

      CRD applicable in whole

      DOE O 227.1A CRD
      Independent Oversight Program
      Approved: 12/21/15

      CRD applicable in whole

      DOE O 227.1A Chg 1 (AdminChg) CRD
      Independent Oversight Program
      Approved: 12/21/15
      Chg 1 (AdminChg): 01/21/20

      CRD applicable in whole

      DOE O 232.2A CRD
      Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information
      Approved: 01/17/17

      CRD applicable in part

      DOE O 232.2A Chg 1 (MinChg) CRD
      Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information
      Approved: 01/17/17
      Chg 1 (MinChg): 10/04/19

      CRD applicable in part

      DOE O 443.1B Change 1 CRD
      Protection of Human Research Subjects
      Approved: 04/21/16

      CRD applicable in part

      DOE O 443.1C CRD
      Protection of Human Research Subjects
      Approved: 11/26/19

      CRD applicable in part

      DOE O 483.1B CRD
      DOE Cooperative Research and Development Agreements
      Approved: 12/20/16

      CRD applicable in part

      DOE O 483.1B Chg 2 (LtdChg) CRD
      DOE Cooperative Research and Development Agreements
      Chg 1 (MinChg): 02/08/19
      Chg 2 (LtdChg): 12/13/19

      CRD applicable in whole
    • Attachment J, Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan is deleted and replaced as follows:
      Attachment J, Fiscal Year 2020 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan dated July 16, 2020, is deleted and replaced with the Fiscal Year 2020 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan dated Sept. 23, 2020, and is incorporated into this contract by reference.
